was promoted duo of Roger Stern (writer) and Frank Miller (cartoonist) in Marvel Comics for the collection of the master of the mystic arts in 1.981.
The editorial published a notice in his comics that Frank Miller would draw Dr. Strange, Miller was hogging attention of readers like Daredevil and the Sorcerer Supreme comic was bi-monthly, it seemed there would be an inconvenience to bring it in Miller work schedule.

Stern himself was the one who revealed the answer, "as I recall, Frank was considering a project of some sort a la James Bond, so he leaned back to avoid drawing the Doc, we thought it would only be temporary and then I would, Frank continued with his other work.
Fortunately, Marshall Rogers came and gave us 6 very great numbers. After that, by that time Frank was really caught up in writing and drawing Daredevil, Ronin after, so we never got together to work together on Doctor Strange. Still, it was a cute commercial. "
There you have it, Miller decided it could not incorporate the Ombudsman mystical in their work. Thus the projects disappear and almost never get to hear from them again.
Written by Hector Augusto Sovero GastaƱeta.
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