There we see as the Dead Man (Deadman) spends Christmas.
After possessing the body of corrupt millionaire and do spend a fortune, the trapeze ghost in assessing the festive atmosphere, begins to withdraw into themselves and sink into a self-pity.
In it, someone comes along who brings you some comfort and with his words, he reaffirms his role as unsung hero.
And it was someone that many at that time within the same editorial wanted it to be forgotten and erased from the hearts of readers pre-crisis as we saw in SECRET WARS VS. Crisis on Infinite Earths V.
If it is the Christmas story where Kara Zor-El is the female ghost A HAPPY HOLIDAY NUISANCE OPERATION OF FAST DC.
If it is the Christmas story where Kara Zor-El is the female ghost A HAPPY HOLIDAY NUISANCE OPERATION OF FAST DC.

Whereas Brand is a ghost, when Kara takes the spectral image of the mask to reveal the man behind it, it added more dimension to the argument Christmas, a tribute to his character ( without saying that she is Supergirl.)
Kara understands the distress of the hero, because older readers know that pre-crisis early in his career, Kara was an anonymous hero Superman kept hidden until presented to the world. But the story works even if not know who is Supergirl, some stories gain strength by referring to previous work, a resource used in this environment, but apparently, no need to do that. Of course the more you know who is Kara, that makes the story more resonant and strong.
"We do it because it needs to be done. Because if we do not, nobody else will. And we will do it even if nobody knows what we are doing. Although nobody knows we exist. Although no one knows that we never exist. "Direct dialogue and to the point Brennert is one of the writers that has provided good jobs to this editorial, few but good.
All this demonstrates that the character was considered an ideal accessory to the disappearance of continuity, some in the editorial recently recognized him something of value on their own.
Written by Hector Augusto Sovero GastaƱeta.

"We do it because it needs to be done. Because if we do not, nobody else will. And we will do it even if nobody knows what we are doing. Although nobody knows we exist. Although no one knows that we never exist. "Direct dialogue and to the point Brennert is one of the writers that has provided good jobs to this editorial, few but good.
All this demonstrates that the character was considered an ideal accessory to the disappearance of continuity, some in the editorial recently recognized him something of value on their own.
Written by Hector Augusto Sovero GastaƱeta.
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