Lee Falk is one of the most celebrated American comic creators.
is the creator of Mandrake the Magician and the Phantom.
In his stories almost always have seen exotic locations around the world and do not forget that the territory of the Phantom is in Africa.
But we always see that there are bottlenecks in some of the classic stories that do not correspond to the reality of those years.
In the early years of the Phantom, not decide if its headquarters were in India or Africa.
Geography in art is not defined, sometimes other was Burma Malaya.
And there is a reason for that.
When Falk arrived in New York, he used to hobnob with foreign correspondents and they were like movie stars for the newspaper business in the thirties, following and listening to the glamorous of travel and unusual places to stay in touching them abroad. Tan
Suddenly he started in the business of comics in the thirties, he and the advertising department of King Features a biography together drew up where they say that Falk had known magicians of Asia and had been initiated into its mysteries, blah, blah , and was an expert world traveler. False
, he never left the United States, what he did was use everything he had taken from the accounts of correspondents and seasoned with his own imaginative touches.
The funny thing was that many years later, Falk began touring all the sites mentioned in the false press releases from King Features and later to remove notes revealing the truth and deception could overcome his readers. Falk
eventually became a world traveler, but there are still many critics who believe that never came to visit Africa.
Written by Hector Augusto Sovero GastaƱeta.
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