is a fairly common event for the editorial staff to make drastic changes in the art in the comics as KIRBY DO NOT CARE IF THE FACE OF THE ICON DC. Well, until today, yet sometimes that happens and not only as cut the head of the turn ICON FOR QUALITY CARE.
In retrospect, an interesting coincidence occurred in the pages of IRON FIST # 15.
The collection of mid-seventies was written by Chris Claremont and drawn by John Byrne, this happened before this occurred duet together the adventures of the merry mutants. Byrne's style was reaching its peak during that time.
Anyway, while the artist was a valuable piece to the editorial, was not yet established as Gil Kane and John Romita, although it was not the "big star" would be in the future.

But that was not all that Cockrum drew. Marvel
made all the faces of the X-Men made by Byrne on that adventure were retouched by Cockrum (!)
here to see a panel where Wolverine was using the costume that took Fang, an Imperial Guard Sh'iar.
Very bizarre, if you see him today, but in those years, it is clear that this was routine.
And to think that in an inexplicable twist of life, whom Byrne would emphasize more on the history of the X-Men Cockrum.
Written by Hector Augusto Sovero GastaƱeta.
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