Since I learned to write, use the letters as an outlet to communicate with myself or with others.
Sometimes I use the letters to me ... that's when things get good.
When I can talk with God or with myself and suddenly, as the muse, my hands write an answer to my prayers.
know it sounds weird but who likes to write, you may understand me, as things are clearer after you type and as you become enthralled .. a servant of the letters themselves. I have infinidada
undelivered letters addressed to specific individuals. In particular, I have a habit, I have a person who simply adore that you can understand my plot changes, which gave me asylum in his chest, which has comforted me countless times .. I write constantly (even if that person does not know them, do not give haha).
is a way to communicate, to know what you think or simply to project when I need extra help to get out of X or Y situation or simply to return to the land or to remind myself to take care and look after me from time to time (still work in the last part, now concentrated in the first:)).
Anyway, the lyrics are incredibly important to me if one day I had pencil and paper to write, while I have blood in the body makes.
Writing is so important to me as breathing, although sometimes the Bloggs does not seem that it takes time to write me, is that sometimes I find the photos according to what I want to represent or complement what I write .. as in this case.
Lyrics lead me to fix everything, solve any situation, to accept things that happen also to create worlds just for me, to walk along the beach and feel the muyido warm sand under my feet, I take communicate with myself better, to smile, to mourn, I provide a space where I can afford to be vulnerable, if I let me fall, lenvantarme .... I Fenix \u200b\u200bfor something:)
The lyrics are my lover, part of me, take me, bring me, I let it grow, take me closer to God every time:)