Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Women In Girdles And Nylon Stockings

Jamal Juma: The story of another Palestinian political prisoner

Source: Extracted from Federpal ( Federation of entities Palestinian Argentino ).
original page article: Stop The Wall

Jamal Juma was arrested by Israeli authorities on 16 December. The arrest came after the detention of Mohamed Othman, another anti-wall activist, and Abdullah Abu Rahme, a prominent figure in Bil'in Popular Committee Against the Wall, and dozens more are currently in prison for his action and advocacy Against the Wall.
This latest arrest is another escalation of attacks by Israel against Palestinian defenders human rights, which continues to repress the right to freedom of expression and the right of association.

Facts and background:

Israeli security Launched Juma in for questioning in midnight on 15 December. Hours later, he was brought back home. Juma was handcuffed, while soldiers searched his house for two hours and his wife and three small children watched helplessly. Parting words the soldiers were directed to his wife will only see her husband through an exchange of prisoners. Since then, Juma was arrested and forbidden to speak with a lawyer or his family. No explanation was given for his arrest.

Jamal, 47 years old, born in Jerusalem and has dedicated his life to defending Palestinian human rights. The main objective of his work is on encouraging local communities to defend their human rights against violations caused by the occupation. He is a founding member of several Palestinian NGOs and civil society networks. Juma has been the coordinator of the Palestinian grassroots Anti-Apartheid Wall since 2002. He is widely respected for his work and has been invited to give lectures to numerous civil society and United Nations. His articles and interviews are widely published and her work has been translated into several languages. As a very visible figure, Juma has never tried to hide or disguise their activities.

The Jamal Juma is the highest-profile arrest in the intensified campaign of repression against popular mobilization against the wall and settlements. Initially, local activists arrested in the towns affected by the Wall, then the Israeli authorities have made progress to the arrest of the internationally known human rights defenders such as Mohammad Abdallah Othman and Abu Rahmah. Mohammad, another member of the Stop the Wall, was arrested nearly three months ago, while returning from a lecture tour in Norway. After two months of interrogation, the Israeli authorities still can not bring charges against him, as approved by an order of administrative detention. Abdullah Abu Rahmah, a leading figure in the nonviolent resistance against the Wall in Bil'in, was taken from his home in the middle of the night, a week before Jamal was jailed.

With these arrests, Israel wants to weaken society Palestinian civilians and their influence on policy making at national and international. This process clearly criminalizes the work of human rights defenders and civil disobedience in Palestine.

is crucial that the international community to address the Israeli attempts to criminalize human rights defenders who resist against the wall. The Israeli policy of targeting the organizers to call for accountability of Israel, is a direct challenge to the decisions of governments and world bodies like the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to make Israel pay for their violations international law. This challenge will not be dissatisfied.

Saturday, December 12, 2009


Voices Jewish Zionist terrorism

This time I will not speak, but only confine myself to present a paper, other interest, which are presented and discussed certain questions about the three cornerstones of the current Jewish issues: Judaism, Zionism / Jewish anti-Zionism and antisemitism.

To extend the ideas I recommend visiting some specific bibliographic works, but as presenting the item is at least striking.

For those that do understand English, I recommend (as I always do with the emeritus professor) an interview with Noam Chomsky - linguist, professor emeritus at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) and political scientist, that since its anti-Zionist Jewish perspective we can approach the subject more accurately and with a keen intellectual prowess.


Article - Jewish revolt against Israel's attack:

Interview with Noam Chomsky :

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Regal Movies El Cajon


I Wish .... for no more hard faces
I wish ... for no more bad language
I wish for Hope and Kindness
I wish for love and family
I wish for desire to help and live
I wish for the sight of Jesus in Our Eyes
I wish for no more rudeness, no more cursed, no more bad word, no more reclamation ..

I wish for a person wanting to be the best it can be..
I wish People can see the good in every one.. In that way we all can stay good.
I wish for better persons including me, I wish for the Wish in everyone to become a nurture fountain of giving and sharing and values and moral.

I wish for all of us understand that maybe we wont get exactly what we wish for, but if we fight , we can get close to it never loosing the Hope of making our dreams come true.

I wish for not settle for less and try to always climb another step.

I wish for a Living God inside of us and his eternal an unconditional love moving us towards others

Monday, November 30, 2009

Cheapest Way To Ship A Scooter

God's blessings in your hands ... rest in your hands .... The work ... San Givin

God rest you wisdom, to discern right prestamela than allowed, what joyful wrong, good from evil, immoral the rupture of paradigms, the obstinacy of the goals fair, the justice of the be ... My God be

these blessings as angels sent by you .. Give me the disernimiento to be an example of your love in their lives and prepare for when the baton is mine ...

Sometimes the author writes (or man who writes is a writer) makes in view of what needs, wants, what he believes, what he thinks, what dreams ..

dream of my angels and a family center with God .. I dream always be mud in the hands of God ...

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Instruction Manual Breadmaker Bms1

?! Giving Thanks?! or Dia de Accion de Gracias?! Ahhhhh

whatever you call it ...

Legend has it that a group of pilgrims in North American territory (now USA), were in the grounds of an Indian tribe, back long before we kissed modernization face, put batteries Jeans to our business practices, in the era where man is mediated by the strength she possessed to defend his family and die for theirs ... When the woman was worth half by managing your family, supporting them, keeping house, land, life itself, then to continue the story, these happy pilgrims were on Indian lands, the Indians see these things on their land were to welcome leading a feast! I stop the instinct to attack the unknown of the Pilgrims.

Ahhh now if all North American festivals that my country wants this beautiful coin, this is the best ever! it reflects incredible moral values, the family gathers, God is in everyone and everything, we give thanks ....

is a day just for Thanksgiving! Incredible! is the best ... Particularly
NOT celebrate Thanksgiving but every day I thank God for the many blessings that are in my life, I thank God for all the learning experiences that sends me to be better than me every day, I thank God for the people around me who love and love me, give infinite thank God for being alive and for letting me use every day, even against my conscious will, for purpose .. Infinite thanks Thank God

So today we take a little time, take a moment to thank!

Thank God for love, life, faith, family, friends, those who have placed in my life that fill me have changed my life and stay there ... God thanks and many blessings to everyone for every reason .. Thank God for what my heart feels, lives, suffers and loves .. Thank God for letting me be your daughter and rest in your lap!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Denise Milani Naples Florida


In many ways life is always surprising us ... Why not say at all

jejeje In life we \u200b\u200breally different recipes, cooking recipes based on sweat and toil, are baked at high temperatures .. Other

if not with love and dedication, but with few ingredients and baking amazing low temperature and a touch of sunshine Do not leave

Because in life we \u200b\u200ball kind of signature dishes, those that believe the same, we also have the ability to create new things from old, return to the classic, putting a spin on things and make new

There are flavors that do not change that are incredible on their own and definitely stay in memory ................ To brighten our souls .. Are those flavors that fill us intemporeros happiness and still looking for a never ending ..

never enough of them, we always want more ....

Enjoy!! :) The beautiful sorpressas our life brings us recipes

Friday, November 13, 2009

Pediatrics Decoration

The functional left (right feast )

Today the poor and outdated "left" Argentina detached from the real social problems and immersed in the revolutionary writings of old, is clearly functional to the worst and most absurd Argentina fascist right.
Examples exist in many situations, just visit the main newspaper titles, such is the case of "working press" and "The truth working" - and note the similarity of their notes with monopolistic and fascist newspapers "The Nation" or "Clarín". Is that the current quasi-intellectual left Argentina is proclibe to defend the interests of corporations and some political parties and human rights.

are unfortunate people like Christian Henkel (current president of the FUBA) using the rhetoric of bourgeois child "rebelled" against the so-called official bourgeoisie, in order to sharpen indirect depth macrista city model, at the expense of real changes in the country. It is still an open question whether non-adherence to the "New Law on Audiovisual Services is likely to attack the government or shining his shoes and Clarin De Narvaez.

The left is presented as an alternative to the employers and the government will discover that an alternative this is when most of Argentina's population does not remember even if they exist.
seem, and I express it in all humility, that they have developed the theoretical assumptions of fantasy literature. In a world of reality propose a spooky outcome (yes, "spooky" in the words of Lukacs in his article, essay "Current Significance of Critical Realism")

But this composite of children left momentarily repentant bourgeois class of origin (only are workers when they strike posters), and found his refuge in the party spirit, does not address the real changes that occur in Latin America, both the heroic Bolivarian Revolution as the triumph of Evo Morales and the MAS in Bolivia, the creation of ALBA (against Bush patroncito FTAA), or the implementation of educational channels and public interest (as in If the channel "meeting" in our country, or "Telesur" broadcast from Venezuela for all Latin America).

Perhaps this leftist Peronist despised blacks, industrial workers, the rural laborers, today against the socialist workers in Venezuela, exploited and massacred Aborigines in the State of Santa Cruz in Bolivia and NGOs our country, have a nostalgia for the days homogeneous the fervent Russian Revolution or the Industrial Revolution in Ingraterra. Those days comrades, I regret to unmask anachronism, not the same. Today it is U.S. imperialism that threatens our land and not the socialist workers of PDVSA in Venezuela, persist in believing and believe.

It is obvious that I am against leftist ideologies not expired, but be careful friends of the traditional left, careful to serve the political interests of private capital at the expense of the successful national and regional policies.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Bug Nest Amateur Surgeon Christmas

A picture is worth a thousand words: Clarinet falls by its own

The very ex-dictator Jorge Rafael Videla with the monopoly owner of Clarín, Ernestina Herrera de Noble. We need to add anything else? That's Clarín peers, that's Newsprint.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Plans On How To Build A 6x10 Trailer

irons teflon cooking pans

Great song Ignacio Copani unique protest.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Rash Looking Bumps On Forehead

Gilad Shalit and the revaluation capitalist vital concept

The methods used by the Intelligence Center for U.S. foreign affairs (CIA) do not differ at all from those used in Israel, precisely in the Israeli jails. They abduct Palestinian citizens without trial and forced to remain captive, without distinction of age or link social.

Interestingly similar is what the CIA carried out in concentration camps south of Cuba, at Guantanamo. Not to mention the methods used to extract confidential information that the prisoner rarely known, due to mistakes committed by the captors to choosing who will be the prisoner.

No more, remember that while Hamas captured Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit (in 2006), the Israeli military ran over Palestinian settlements in the so-called "Summer Rain" in which 165 people were killed.

This is not the focus of the question that I analyze. (To learn about the calamities generated by the Israeli government Palestinian people to " murdered Palestinians to remove their organs" , or other publications related to the topic ).

Not many days ago back news agencies reported on the video in which they watched the soldier Gilad Shalit in perfect physical and mental condition stating that during the course of his arrest (since 2006), the slopes of Hamas care of satisfactorily. Here is the verbatim transcript of his words: "I've been well treated by my captors" (1).

Finally, here the heart of the matter is when we see the investment of the concept of life. I affirm the above and that if While the video belonged (in a short period of time) to Germany, then transferred to the hands of the Israeli government, was designed as a physical exchange for Palestinian prisoners. The first measure of government Netanyahu was released 18 Palestinian prisoners (2), and this then I will refer when we discuss the core that I intend to deepen.

The Hamas militant group called (after the dissemination of the video) to exchange the soldier Shalit per thousand Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails. It appears that in this context evidence of a - what I humbly call - "capitalist revaluation vital concept." A human being is worth the same amount to another human being, but apparently worth a figure close to one thousand. Yes, an Israeli soldier is equivalent to a thousand Palestinian prisoners without trial, subjected to slave punishment, irrespective or age or social considerations on the link.

This is no accident in the fast capitalist world today.

The symbolic, and even pragmatic which frames the virtual exchange of a person for a thousand slaves, is held in a particular historical moment in which it is not surprising (or maybe if and creates an impression of powerlessness importantante) a person native to a part of the world have a higher weight-forgive the crudeness, but is the product of the winding system in which we live, another person from another place.

automatizante The Wild and the capitalist system we live in, begin to label with supermarket prices to people who are inside, as we shared in a debate with Ramiro time ago.
So as a slave is worth a thousand Israeli Palestinians must enforce two Danes same for four or five Croatian Nigerians seven or eight Vietnamese.

This is the result of an inhumane economic and political repercussions in the social uncontrollably. A system that the only progress that was achieved for a few, and the greatest disaster for many. Hunger, homelessness, exclusion, ignorance and violence were and are the pillars of this system unique.
Imperialism is the final stage and its rise conclusive.

Shalit's case is a clear example of what I stubbornly call "capitalist empowerment vital concept." Without omitr, of course, that in the past have made of this magnitude occurred, such as the overvaluation that English conquistadors were awarded against the aboriginal inhabitants of these lands, but then there was no industrial-capitalist development today.

The human - the product of systematic and insistent domain is worth and for its rich and fruitful condition of living, but their socio-economic and geographical conditions its value against another human being as important as him.

I sincerely hope that these unfortunate situations do not continue occurring human exchanges, and that humans fend for being human.
way of finding closure and persist in saying what Rosa Luxemburg expressed long ago: "Socialism or barbarism."
It is in our hands the way we choose to travel.


(1) - TeleSur

(2) - TeleSur

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Carey Price Goal Pads

New Broadcasting Act - Issues and comparisons to consider an e

  • - The new bill ensures the universal right to information and freedom of expression, while the force restricts freedom of expression "needs-based National Security. "
  • - The new draft law will be governed by a body composed of representatives of the national legislature, second and third minority and representatives of the Executive, to Once you establish a multisectoral and participatory Council made up of universities, nonprofit organizations, media workers, etc., whereas under existing law the governing body means consists of military, intelligence and business .
  • - The new draft law reserves one third of the frequencies exclusively for associations, cooperatives, etc., nonprofit, whereas under current law can only be exercised are exclusively for profit. (In 2005 Congress allowed legal persons nonprofit be holders of broadcast licenses, but with some restrictions.)
  • - The new bill would prevent the formation monopolies. The national, provincial and municipalities have allocated frequencies. (A third of the total.) In the current law allowed monopolies and the state has a subsidiary participation, and can only services in unprofitable areas for private media.
  • - The new bill allows for up to 10 licenses of open services (radio and TV.), While current law allows a person to have up to 24 licenses for open services.
  • - The new bill proposes to grant licenses according to eligibility criteria and attachment to the job while the current law bases its criteria for licensing the possession of wealth and economic aspect.
  • - The new bill requires transparency of ownership of licenses, while current law allows using stock companies hide the ownership of the licenses.
  • - The new bill establishes an open system for participation in cooperative societies, by implementing measures to prevent abuse of dominant positions, whereas current law prohibits the participation of cooperatives. (From year 2005 are allowed but a limited extent.)
  • - The new bill establishes a fee Screen cinema, as have some European countries. In current law is not expected.

Source: Filip Lucas (from Rebellion ) for Telesur

Monday, September 7, 2009

Ameen Wedding Card Message

Response Censoring

The next cut is my response to a mail (chain mail), otherwise fascist, I received some days ago.

Extension For obvious reasons I can not put the mail my blog, but if you want to read, they can ask me and send it to your mailbox.

Without more, the answer

chain email I received not only a few days ago is identified with a fascist thinking, the highest degree, a cuasinazismo extreme, but the feverish bourgeois thought is fueled by media manipulation.

Consider Cristina (clarify, President of Argentina), a guerrilla, comes not by chance but by chance a substrate fascist national mainstream, ideologically evoked by unscrupulous military and political classes de-legitimized.

This mail is an original and courageous thinking, considering the poor intellectual level of the author.

The only thing it has is an empty argument (the only redeemable at the rhetorical level are disrespectful the president) and metaphorical jokes that do not generate not even a hint of grace.

I also tell the author that Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner is to fulfill its mandate until 2011, which will remain two years and a total of 4 years and completed orders our Constitution Argentina. This beloved author (who intends to remove the president of his mandate) must wait two more years, and we suffer long and tireless years of dictatorship and Menem, which I believe should belong to the political side of the author.

The text also identifies the President as the cause of insecurity in the country, which any rational person can see as a fallacy.
The culprits of cultural impoverishment and capital of the country, which otherwise generates insecurity, what are people like Francisco de Narvaez and his henchmen macrismo. Before constituted by Menem, Corach, Cohan, Yoma and a few more. Tycoons, entrepreneurs and people from the nightlife.

In a section, just mail the author Argentina claims that can be compared with countries that, according to their expression, form the highest level of development worldwide. Nothing more pathetic and lacking real knowledge of our country. Believe that Argentina can be compared with Switzerland, Denmark, Belgium, among others, confirms to me that the author lives in a bubble created by the mass media and concentrates power.

Moreover, Argentina between 2003 and 2007 (remember, the government of Nestor Kirchner) has grown along economic, neither more nor less than that behind the industrial giant People's Republic of China.

I think for an email so absorbed in thought and lucidity, these above are already sufficient for its refutation.

A warmest greeting in the patriotism, and not as some would wish employers.


Thursday, September 3, 2009

Sheaves In A Sentence

fascist, censoring ... Facebook and the CIA

few days ago I had posted a video (16/08/09) showing the victory of the Cuban Revolution and some speeches by Fidel Castro.

This is not surprising at all, the tragedy of this event is that when income today (03/09/2009) my blog, I find the unfortunate news that the video "has been removed due to infringement under the terms of use, "this seems familiar.

I'm not censored at all, I am not the victim in this, you should feel attacked and violated is the YouTube user, who has decried the video.

I pity and sympathize with this person who was, like many others, curtailed his freedom of expression.

As events occur that mark imperialist monopoly in the network, we can never use powerful symbol of our freedom of expression.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Zoofilia Con Labrador

The popular site with 70 million users is funded with venture capital of the Central Intelligence Agency to spy on all members and recruits its agents through the portal Although presented as a harmless social networking website, which aims to facilitate interpersonal relationships.

The portal brings together more than 70 million users worldwide is actually an experiment in global manipulation. The popular Facebook is a sophisticated tool funded by the Central Intelligence Agency, CIA not only used for the recruitment of agents and the collection of information across the planet, but also to mount covert operations. The most recent and successful was the international mobilization against the FARC, launched from Facebook earlier this year. (See sidebar) In theory, Facebook is a communication tool social and archive that allows contact addresses and other information from friends and relatives know. But also a mine of information for the intelligence services that exploit these data, and thanks to Facebook, they know all about their users.

The online encyclopaedia Wikipedia has a Facebook as a social networking website. Users can participate in one or more networks in relation to their academic status, place of work or geographic region. Millions of users voluntarily provide identifying information, photographs and lists of their favorite consumer items. You usually receive e-mail a message like up here, on behalf of a friend with good intentions, and without knowing what that means, "invites you to register and participate in Facebook. What I do not know is that these data go directly to the hard drives of computers at the Central Intelligence Agency of the U.S.. The controversial system that uses Facebook Beacon tracks the activities of all users and their partners, including those that never registered on Facebook or those who deactivated their accounts with this website.

participate in Facebook's 16 intelligence agencies of the United States, beginning with the CIA, the Pentagon and the Department of Defense. Collect everything and everything keep it. Nothing escapes them: photos, emails, conversations, pictures, music and any other relevant information. With that established psychopolitical profiles and pictures of contacts for each user. Facebook's population grows by two million people per week with which the CIA is accessing a phenomenal database containing the relationships between 70 million people since elementary school and throughout his life. "Facebook, as PayPal is a neocon profile social experiment," says journalist Tom Hodgkinson, the British newspaper The Guardian. The real face behind Facebook is Peter Thiel, a venture capital investor and cofounder and chairman of online payment system PayPal. Thiel says that PayPal has shown that not only can you find value in objects, but also in relations between human beings. In fact, PayPal is a way to move money around the globe without restrictions, bypassing all foreign exchange controls. "Another character behind Facebook and Thiel is René Girard, a guru of Stanford, who argues that human behavior works by mimetic desire, a concept increasingly used in intelligence operations. Girard argues that people move as a herd and copied one another without much reflection. For Thiel, the object of desire is irrelevant. All that is needed know is that Humans tend to move in packs.


Since December 2006, the CIA used Facebook to recruit new agents. Like other companies or nonprofit organizations, the incursion of the spy agency on Facebook is part of a new strategy. In other government there are strict federal regulations that guide the recruitment and hiring, but the CIA is a free agent, meaning it has its own hiring authority and is not audited. "It is not necessary to obtain any permission for inclusion in the network," says the CIA.


The portal is worth hundreds of millions of dollars and was created with money from Greylock Venture Capital, an investment fund that has a strong link with the CIA. The latest injection of capital to Facebook -27.5 million dollars, was led by Greylock Venture Capital. One of Greylock Partners is Howard Cox, which, according to The Guardian-owned nothing less than the wing of venture capital investment in the CIA. Created in 1999, its mission is "to identify and partner with companies that are developing new technologies to help provide solutions to the Central Intelligence Agency." Colombia: A test case WG A thorough investigation by the journalist Pascual Serrano Rebellion digital diary reveals how Facebook was used to build an international campaign against the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) on 4 February was held around the world mobilization against the FARC. The media highlighted the spontaneity of action, purportedly originating from Facebook when they showed as a network for students. The media insisted that everything was based on "a civil engineer for 33 years turned into a computer and living in the Colombian city of Barranquilla. The left Colombian human rights organizations and relatives of detainees strongly criticized by the FARC this mobilization to which they described as belligerent and partisan because it denied the possibility of a solution to the conflict, ignoring the crimes committed by paramilitaries and the army and argued for a purely military solution to suit the government of Alvaro Uribe , military sectors, the armaments industry and the U.S. government. Among the users of Facebook groups are eloquent title: "A Million Voices Against FARC" (130,000 enrollees), "A thousand people who hate Hugo Chavez" (1,300 subscribers) and "I want to see dead to the FARC "(8,200 users), which gives an idea of \u200b\u200byour line ideological regarding Colombia. Facebook reminiscent of a John Le Carre novel where puppets are behind the puppeteers.

South Perspectives Journal 08-JUN-2008

Other sites of interest:

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

What Cheats Work For Gpsphone Fire Red

As pollutes the Matanza Riachuelo - Animation (courtesy of Greenpeace) Cuba

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Wholesale Peace Sign Rugs

Back! Schizophrenia

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Dairy Products Give Me Stomach Ache

Clarin SA - When a monopoly trembles plausible

attitude, heroic if you will, the ruling against the expansionist monopoly, aggressive, and defender of corporate capital for the dissemination of news and media is without doubt a clear example of virtuosity and civic ethics.

Monopoly clarion with pride cuasimafiosa, throughout his business career has shown how brave and biased that can manifest itself to impose their primitive ideas, and obtuse thoughts.

This company not only monopolize the attitude and expression of the vast majority of the middle class (Daily Bugle, TN, Radio Mitre, Channel 13) but also appropriates what it considers culture (Revista Ñ) and sports broadcasting ( TyC Sports). And also owns cable operator Multicanal.

The issue of sports, from once regulated by the state, then privatized by the audiovisual gorillas is part again under clever maneuvers, the Argentine people as a whole.

As expected, proponents of the corporation (as in the case of Ernesto Tenenbaum) scared rushed against the ruling, establishing the axis poverty issues to discredit the government's actions.
is, in short words argue that government funding for the purchase of the tender for the broadcasting rights for football and other sports, is evil, considering the large number of hungry children. (Speech also adopted from the opposition, a copy of rhetoric).

substantially amazes me now holds concern that trumpet on poverty. It seems reminiscent of this problematic due to lack of resources supporting in its aim dismissive of the government, and in defense of their deep pockets.

Suppose that the government had allocated funds for the eradication of poverty, caused by certain why fighting since the government of Nestor Kirchner. Without doubt, bugle had not submitted the story, and certainly the reduction of poverty would have been the result of a misrepresentation of the numbers from INDEC. Moreno attack again.

It is obvious that the ruling itself fighting poverty, and the only thing that can be eradicated in Argentina is the Clarion Group farandulización news and repugnant ambition to obtain more capital flow, operating in conjunction with neuronal and descerebrización they produce in the minds of most part of the middle class in Argentina. This is a problem not solved with food, employment and education, this is a product of capitalism fierce and more intense selfishness that can live in the bowels of a society.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Eye Operation Malaysia


The return of the deposed president of the Republic of Honduras, José Manuel Zelaya Rosales, happens in these days under the blanket media coverage of various news channels.
The Atlanta native news network, CNN, has been responsible, in accordance with their customary to "to argue against the Latin American people and, as expected, smile dictatorships.

While the Secretary of U.S. State, Hillary Clinton, seeking to substantially and explicitly state that "(...) the return of Zelaya in Honduras is unwise (...)" (1), President Evo Morales says: "I have information first the empire, by the U.S. Southern Command, made a coup in Honduras "(2).

Undoubtedly, though the coup was strategically planned and executed by the financial oligarchy and small groups in Honduras, the United States did not present any resistance to it. Naturally, this attitude represents an approach, more nostalgic sound, the United States with the leaders of the coup.

is dearly sigificativo that Latin American presidents, causal or chance, have not issued any statement on this event. I refer particularly to the Colombian President Alvaro Uribe and his Peruvian counterpart Alan Garcia. It is no coincidence that the latter two maintain close and friendly relationship with the United States.

is palpable and clearly recognizable to the advance the Empire expansions would like to open in Latin American territory. Without more recently convincingly Uribe agreed to establish U.S. military bases on Colombian soil, a move that heightened tensions between the U.S. diplomatic and other progressives (and surrounding border) and Venezuela and Ecuador.

Without circumvent the main issue, I thought acceptable to note the above.

The courage and heroism recognized and embodied in Manuel Zelaya are proof of the more noble and genuine attitude that a president can do in pursuit of his people and homeland. An attitude that marked the path of post-revolutionary generations, as has been shown Fidel, Sandino, among others.

The Honduran people do not shrink from the fight steely by the performance of their legitimate rights, their passions and ideals hampered.

is imperative that the coup and declared himself president of Honduras, Roberto Micheletti, retirement in their reckless and absurd intention of retaining power. The president, elected by the people and accountable for votes is José Manuel Zelaya Rosales.


(1) - July 24, 2009, Venezolana de Television.

(2) - July 14, 2009, Telesur.

Photo: TeleSur

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Draw Filing And Cross Filing

glass slipper Ah Hu

As usual in my capacity as irremediable condition engaged, outraged by events that affect the whole society, to describe what happened next.
In this brief but substantive comment, not divulge opinions about the elections, but a particular event to which tirelessly repudiation.

Yesterday at midnight, in images broadcast by an air channel, I had the unfortunate misfortune to the newly elected member obsvervar Francisco De Narvaez, talking quietly with reporters, cuasiamigos, while a shoeshine dying and bare it shine your shoes. Honestly, I wrapped this image horrified.

not pretend somehow exaggerate this evil fascist attitude, but I am content to comment on and illuminate the eyes of those left idle.
How long will allow the neoliberal plays his cards right with sadistic actions like this? Do you mean anything to prove to society the character backward and feudal consciousness?

"Impunity is a word to my lexicon hates, like the breathless" slavery. "
This is an act of barbarism attitude and reliable sinful harmony with the myth of racial superiority.
Excuse my audacity, but this no more I remember the words of Nietzsche, when he harangued in his writings to despise the poor ("weak" in their terms) and praise the rich ("superior"). Nothing is more worthy of applause by a neo-Nazi groups.

I hope this review can not be read as an empty plot and resentful against the victory of the PRO. I own my arguments in defense of the nomination of Nestor Kirchner as Martin's Sabbatella, which plasmaré in subsequent articles.

intended only in a few, short and synthetic words show that embodies the character - otherwise nothing new in politics, through actions how are you, your business cloudy with paco and ephedrine, and their dark past Menem. De Narvaez new actor in politics, does not have anything.

This is an urgent comment, do not mean to evoke sumptuous spins adverbial or rhetorical devices. Just raising awareness through short words, no easy task. This given the fact urgent also presented.

Argentines are masters of their political fortunes, thanks to the democratic imperative, my conscience is clean, does what you are?

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Are Tampons Allowed On Airplanes

Amendment If you, Ah Hu

Video: Hu Ha Amendment if it goes!
Group: Sabor a town / Gustavo Arreaza

Source: Website "Aporrea (http://www.aporrea.org)

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Noten Fireflies Ron Pope Kostenlos

Chavez if Chavez is the rebellion of the oppressed Palestinian Holocaust

The revolutionary process is significant and deeply spreading Hugo Chávez of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, is the spitting image of the ideal dreamed heroes from San Martin, largely Mariano Moreno, Simón Bolívar and many others.

as is customary, at the height of the events and circumstances, noting that this revolutionary process is principal and essentially democratic, that is, allow and enable the full participation of the people, giving a voice to the formerly oppressed by dictatorships and democracies imported.

is vitally important to underline the strength of the Bolivarian democracy, opposed by multinational monopolistic interest groups, the oppressive American government intrusion in internal affairs of Venezuela (just remember the U.S. spy plane that flew over ground Venezuela, breaking the boundaries of international law), and even more insistent coup private television channels (I hope people remember the excitement turned on through private channels, to overthrow Hugo Chavez in the coup of 2002).

The Bolivarian government and its revolutionary engine remained in place, beyond the U.S. international terrorism, which struck a thousand times its land, its people and its resources.

Constitutional Amendment, which was discussed and discussed in Venezuela, is not functional to the extent of a dictatorial and demagogic, as some would have us believe, but the self-defense a country that does not want to fall into imperial hands again.

The oppressed people of Latin America, rebelled against American imperial yoke, not shut our cry of freedom, we will not allow the aforementioned imported democracies regulate our people and plunder our wealth and resources. In my User Input

, fundamental believe of a people's rebellion against imperial claws, and believes that the proletarian dictatorship or a dogmatic socialist system, if needed.

Do they think that the American right is generated by its own members? I regret to inform you that it is not.
United States from long historical sites, resources needed for Sutent Latin American wealth, and thus extend and enhance their global power.
At first the method dictatorial, and their puppet dictators projects, it is very original and highly effective. But then presented his political fashion season sustainable democracy in the bourgeois and aristocratic vote, and the rule of the north did not take a moment to adopt it. Unfortunately imported into its Latin American slave, to continue to express to their villages.
Democracy, in contemporary terminology, is a meticulous and organized American plan to remain dormant in our land.

latinoamerica Right in power, is equivalent to slavery and American subservience to the Yankee Empire.

democracy only works when it is supported by popular will, not vested interests. José Ingenieros
Master we delight in their "moral force"

"The youthful energy creates the moral greatness of the people"

"The vested interests obstructing justice"

"The ideals inspire confidence in their own strength"

The Bolivarian government and will succeed because it is based on these principles, and exceeds the unconditional support.

American brothers, we are aware of our condition, if not defend our soil, he did not defend himself.
imperial claws and scratch their faces hit innocent and defenseless of our brothers.
Furthermore, we scratch ourselves, beyond that we perceive.

The Cuban Revolution showed us that with bravery, courage and manliness is possible to break chains, will force it.
No need high technology, advanced technical equipment, or weapons with telescopic sights, with the will of men, and we are ready to fight. Remember
the Rebel Army militia Batista crushed ten thousand men, with only eighty-two guerrillas.
And above all things, not wait-conditions as Che said in his own words, "not always have to wait for all conditions for revolution, the insurrection can create them focus"

Brothers and Comrades, the revolution is in our hands.

Fatherland, Socialism or Death!


Thursday, January 15, 2009

Pokemon Checklist 150

*% $ # CRISIS! # @ # &

Right now, this year it still smells new, and has bubble wrap around it, we declared in CRISIS! !

Everybody talks about the market crash .. Q U.S. is J. .. That the European Union is more crawling than running .. that RD is submerged in the pond .. Closing FTZs.

Praying for Government new businesses, employees leaving the mining ufff ... So wherever you see is CRISIS!!

mmmmm What a mess!

But I think the crisis, are the best ideas! . From time immemorial it has happened so!

Humans learned to fish through a crisis .. I had no food. Bridges were built by another crisis, cross the other side!

What is a vaccine? is the injection of a live virus in small quantities that trigger these failures that YOUR body into crisis and generate antibodies to that disease! or saved lives travez CRISIS .. Unions are business, strategic, earn wars, we discover lives, from CRISIS ..

After all, a crisis compels us to do more with less, to engineer it as we can, to maximize resources

Best saquemosle
I think out of this crisis and be alert for the next discovery:)

Happy New Year

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

How Does Omeprozole Work

News arriving in large numbers of Israeli oppression of the Palestinian people are a current and a constant jolt of photos, videos and images that horrified the world, in greater proportion than the powerful.

deadly balance and wedging victims systematically sum is not yet shamefully enough to startle the world's powerful, which continue to enjoy the scenery bloody morning, lying on his couch of gold and dollars.

Israel, terrorist state in the correct and unambiguous meaning of the term, continues unscrupulously becoming ruined hospitals, schools, community centers with meeting immodesty convincingly destroying terrorist centers.

Lacayo, son and prophet of the American empire, lost and sailing by seas of imperial views, Israel, with the aim of human settlement and racially the Palestinian people (as before Hitler's forces will power on Jewish settlements in Nazi Germany) proposes to enter the air first and then by land, with its army weapons formal and darken the picture even more nightmarish.

What solution is proposed from the oppressive stance? End

any conception physically linked to the term "Palestine", that's no more pitfalls that symbolizes the power of this speech.

World renowned and acclaimed Israeli-Palestinian truce, is none other than the even more famous oppressive capitalist peace, which reigned from the foundations of this economic system to this day.

What solution is proposed from the position pressed?

still largely squeezed to press, considering that Israel says use of land that belonged before the 1948 looting of the Palestinian people (co-producing States, the International Zionism, Britain and the UN) can pronounce nothing, or worse nothing can be done, nothing can voluntarily deploy a village that is being relentlessly mocked by Imperial forces. Forces, equipped with the latest technology, seek to use its full load for his conquests and massacres.

What could be a possible solution?

A potential solution to this problem is the cause of the germination.
As we all appreciate, from a cognitive point of view, Israel was established and painstakingly hand built with Zionists, as part of a favored financial aid from the U.S., the UN and Britain.

Palestine and its people, since ancient empire subjugated the English, were transferred to the new town outsider who quietly began to settle on their land.
But this is where, in a hierarchy of events we will stop.

No trip to the irresistible anachronism, we could draw a parallel between "The Six Day War between Israel and Palestine with the" May Revolution "in 1810, on Argentine soil.
From here, considering the normal stream of events, two questions arise: Are the war conditions they faced with? Who are independent of whom?

Well, so far everything has been fairly normal, but have even asked what if these two wars are alike? Absolutely not. Clearly

proclaimed "War of the Six Day war of independence or Israeli, is radically opposed to the" May Revolution " or would like an event near you, "The Cuban Revolution," both two insurgent and anarchist character.

The Six Day War is a clear example and a magnificent example of the root of the problem, suffering today its disastrous consequences.

This self-proclaimed independence war, was not the result of an overwhelming and sustained exhaustion of an enslaved people under an oppressive power, but the clear imperialist violence for the eradication of a people who had little to do with the Jewish settlement in land or the Holocaust.
Here we see a strong case for substantial and profound difference between a war of independence in a war imperialist and genocidal.

The May Revolution was caused by the actions of the insurgent army and the English imperial yoke, two fundamental reasons for the Argentine people break strings with the European Empire, at least politically. I hope

far been clarified things somewhat.
quality is in this differential, express the French poet Francis Ponge, where an object is not equal to another. This is where it solidifies the idea of \u200b\u200binjustice in the Palestinian land.

Imagine, suddenly, that daily work, home and building our community, arriving infinitely more powerful economic forces and physically than us, and begin to attack with the help of other forces fortified even more powerful, and leave us to the closure of the road occupying our lands as if they owned.

Does this seem fair? Well my no. And I affirm my position because I believe fundamentally different, an imperialist occupation in an area already populated, a revolution led by the people themselves against an enslaving power.

The solution of the problem, in my humble opinion, is simply to depopulate all land occupied by Israel since 1948 until today, and granted without restriction or qualification to people who owned inseparable: the Palestinian people.

What we do with the people of Zion?

Well, first they could adjust to the new geopolitical situation, which in no way endanger their lives, and if this is not possible, and may migrate willingly.
I hope the brand new American Zionists, have a corner in their gated mansions to house the consequences of their actions.

The Palestinian people must not allow the slaughter crush what little remains. You must not allow bombs flying over their imperial settlements, massacring children, patients, workers and innocent women.
Once again the Empire strikes our people, avert our eyes with Iraq, do shut up again?

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Papapapapa Techno Rock

This anio beginning, is full of the best surprises in the hearts
remain Jesus,
we chart the paths that are appropriate to follow the plan God has for us on earth.
That love will never fail us, health is always present,
goodness is the first thing you should mind,
charity, is the motto of the anions.
The family is always together, which ccomenzamos own family, we
illuminated under the light of God and He is our guide.
can have insight, always seeking the truth, keeping
will also moral values, courage, courage.
May we always thank the wonderful blessings that God gives us each day,
blessings as the couple (for you my amorsote beautiful), the family, friends, food, clothing, work, etc.

This anio beginning .. is full of surprises .. All
exciting ... and the Family, Love of family, brotherly love, just love
is always at our side.