Right now, this year it still smells new, and has bubble wrap around it, we declared in CRISIS! !
Everybody talks about the market crash .. Q U.S. is J. .. That the European Union is more crawling than running .. that RD is submerged in the pond .. Closing FTZs.
Praying for Government new businesses, employees leaving the mining ufff ... So wherever you see is CRISIS!!
mmmmm What a mess!
But I think the crisis, are the best ideas! . From time immemorial it has happened so!
Humans learned to fish through a crisis .. I had no food. Bridges were built by another crisis, cross the other side!
What is a vaccine? is the injection of a live virus in small quantities that trigger these failures that YOUR body into crisis and generate antibodies to that disease! or saved lives travez CRISIS .. Unions are business, strategic, earn wars, we discover lives, from CRISIS ..
After all, a crisis compels us to do more with less, to engineer it as we can, to maximize resources
Best saquemosle
I think out of this crisis and be alert for the next discovery:)
Happy New Year
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