attitude, heroic if you will, the ruling against the expansionist monopoly, aggressive, and defender of corporate capital for the dissemination of news and media is without doubt a clear example of virtuosity and civic ethics.
Monopoly clarion with pride cuasimafiosa, throughout his business career has shown how brave and biased that can manifest itself to impose their primitive ideas, and obtuse thoughts.
This company not only monopolize the attitude and expression of the vast majority of the middle class (Daily Bugle, TN, Radio Mitre, Channel 13) but also appropriates what it considers culture (Revista Ñ) and sports broadcasting ( TyC Sports). And also owns cable operator Multicanal.
The issue of sports, from once regulated by the state, then privatized by the audiovisual gorillas is part again under clever maneuvers, the Argentine people as a whole.
As expected, proponents of the corporation (as in the case of Ernesto Tenenbaum) scared rushed against the ruling, establishing the axis poverty issues to discredit the government's actions.
is, in short words argue that government funding for the purchase of the tender for the broadcasting rights for football and other sports, is evil, considering the large number of hungry children. (Speech also adopted from the opposition, a copy of rhetoric).
substantially amazes me now holds concern that trumpet on poverty. It seems reminiscent of this problematic due to lack of resources supporting in its aim dismissive of the government, and in defense of their deep pockets.
Suppose that the government had allocated funds for the eradication of poverty, caused by certain why fighting since the government of Nestor Kirchner. Without doubt, bugle had not submitted the story, and certainly the reduction of poverty would have been the result of a misrepresentation of the numbers from INDEC. Moreno attack again.
It is obvious that the ruling itself fighting poverty, and the only thing that can be eradicated in Argentina is the Clarion Group farandulización news and repugnant ambition to obtain more capital flow, operating in conjunction with neuronal and descerebrización they produce in the minds of most part of the middle class in Argentina. This is a problem not solved with food, employment and education, this is a product of capitalism fierce and more intense selfishness that can live in the bowels of a society.
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