Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Should I Use Old Spice

Re Stages invention? Free

be a matter of re inventing or just keep cleaning those corners of our being that I never remember that there is or pretend not to remember not to face fabrics spider and others that can bring with tears in heart and soul?

The reinvention is more than a "makeover" a physical or a change in clothing style.

Cleaning the house is within us, to take those negative things in our past that keep us moving forward.

Ventilate afraid to push to make them new hope. Reinvent is to see where we are, where we come from, what is our room, where we are going and whether the baggage we bring is correct.

Re invent is giving us the opportunity to experience love again and we know that we have the capacity to love, hoping that love us anyway. You throw in adventures of joy that bring us closer to God. Is to serve unconditionally, listen, enjoy the scenery while maintaining our spoonful of oil.

A cleaning has been said .. As you re invent? Are you ready?


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