Life is full of stages ...
are born as a result of the miracle of reproduction work of love of two people, we grow, we pass through the "terrible twos" Pre adolescence, puberty, youth, adulthood, Perimenopause, Menopause or Andropause, Old Age, Death.
Each stage has its challenges, surprises, adventures, their objectives, their clothes, lights, colors, tears, brightness .....
Similarly, I've done in my life and I would like to be remembered?
When my friends think of me that will be what is most remember?
Everyone has a word with which they identify, mine is a star at the time .. That word grows over time, evolving, sometimes transformed.
In the twilight of your life, let your family and loved ones to take crucial decisions for you or soothe the soul leaving you all ready? That
tell your epitaph? What is your word? As you remember? How many pieces of your heart you shared on the road? Loved? Loved you?
the end .... As you left your home to a surprise audit?
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