Amendment If you, Ah Hu
Video: Hu Ha Amendment if it goes!
Group: Sabor a town / Gustavo Arreaza
Source: Website "Aporrea (
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Noten Fireflies Ron Pope Kostenlos
Chavez if Chavez is the rebellion of the oppressed Palestinian Holocaust
The revolutionary process is significant and deeply spreading Hugo Chávez of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, is the spitting image of the ideal dreamed heroes from San Martin, largely Mariano Moreno, Simón Bolívar and many others.
as is customary, at the height of the events and circumstances, noting that this revolutionary process is principal and essentially democratic, that is, allow and enable the full participation of the people, giving a voice to the formerly oppressed by dictatorships and democracies imported.
is vitally important to underline the strength of the Bolivarian democracy, opposed by multinational monopolistic interest groups, the oppressive American government intrusion in internal affairs of Venezuela (just remember the U.S. spy plane that flew over ground Venezuela, breaking the boundaries of international law), and even more insistent coup private television channels (I hope people remember the excitement turned on through private channels, to overthrow Hugo Chavez in the coup of 2002).
The Bolivarian government and its revolutionary engine remained in place, beyond the U.S. international terrorism, which struck a thousand times its land, its people and its resources.
Constitutional Amendment, which was discussed and discussed in Venezuela, is not functional to the extent of a dictatorial and demagogic, as some would have us believe, but the self-defense a country that does not want to fall into imperial hands again.
The oppressed people of Latin America, rebelled against American imperial yoke, not shut our cry of freedom, we will not allow the aforementioned imported democracies regulate our people and plunder our wealth and resources. In my User Input
, fundamental believe of a people's rebellion against imperial claws, and believes that the proletarian dictatorship or a dogmatic socialist system, if needed.
Do they think that the American right is generated by its own members? I regret to inform you that it is not.
United States from long historical sites, resources needed for Sutent Latin American wealth, and thus extend and enhance their global power.
At first the method dictatorial, and their puppet dictators projects, it is very original and highly effective. But then presented his political fashion season sustainable democracy in the bourgeois and aristocratic vote, and the rule of the north did not take a moment to adopt it. Unfortunately imported into its Latin American slave, to continue to express to their villages.
Democracy, in contemporary terminology, is a meticulous and organized American plan to remain dormant in our land.
latinoamerica Right in power, is equivalent to slavery and American subservience to the Yankee Empire.
democracy only works when it is supported by popular will, not vested interests. José Ingenieros
Master we delight in their "moral force"
"The youthful energy creates the moral greatness of the people"
"The vested interests obstructing justice"
"The ideals inspire confidence in their own strength"
The Bolivarian government and will succeed because it is based on these principles, and exceeds the unconditional support.
American brothers, we are aware of our condition, if not defend our soil, he did not defend himself.
imperial claws and scratch their faces hit innocent and defenseless of our brothers.
Furthermore, we scratch ourselves, beyond that we perceive.
The Cuban Revolution showed us that with bravery, courage and manliness is possible to break chains, will force it.
No need high technology, advanced technical equipment, or weapons with telescopic sights, with the will of men, and we are ready to fight. Remember
the Rebel Army militia Batista crushed ten thousand men, with only eighty-two guerrillas.
And above all things, not wait-conditions as Che said in his own words, "not always have to wait for all conditions for revolution, the insurrection can create them focus"
Brothers and Comrades, the revolution is in our hands.

The revolutionary process is significant and deeply spreading Hugo Chávez of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, is the spitting image of the ideal dreamed heroes from San Martin, largely Mariano Moreno, Simón Bolívar and many others.
as is customary, at the height of the events and circumstances, noting that this revolutionary process is principal and essentially democratic, that is, allow and enable the full participation of the people, giving a voice to the formerly oppressed by dictatorships and democracies imported.
is vitally important to underline the strength of the Bolivarian democracy, opposed by multinational monopolistic interest groups, the oppressive American government intrusion in internal affairs of Venezuela (just remember the U.S. spy plane that flew over ground Venezuela, breaking the boundaries of international law), and even more insistent coup private television channels (I hope people remember the excitement turned on through private channels, to overthrow Hugo Chavez in the coup of 2002).
The Bolivarian government and its revolutionary engine remained in place, beyond the U.S. international terrorism, which struck a thousand times its land, its people and its resources.
Constitutional Amendment, which was discussed and discussed in Venezuela, is not functional to the extent of a dictatorial and demagogic, as some would have us believe, but the self-defense a country that does not want to fall into imperial hands again.
The oppressed people of Latin America, rebelled against American imperial yoke, not shut our cry of freedom, we will not allow the aforementioned imported democracies regulate our people and plunder our wealth and resources. In my User Input
, fundamental believe of a people's rebellion against imperial claws, and believes that the proletarian dictatorship or a dogmatic socialist system, if needed.
Do they think that the American right is generated by its own members? I regret to inform you that it is not.
United States from long historical sites, resources needed for Sutent Latin American wealth, and thus extend and enhance their global power.
At first the method dictatorial, and their puppet dictators projects, it is very original and highly effective. But then presented his political fashion season sustainable democracy in the bourgeois and aristocratic vote, and the rule of the north did not take a moment to adopt it. Unfortunately imported into its Latin American slave, to continue to express to their villages.
Democracy, in contemporary terminology, is a meticulous and organized American plan to remain dormant in our land.
latinoamerica Right in power, is equivalent to slavery and American subservience to the Yankee Empire.
democracy only works when it is supported by popular will, not vested interests. José Ingenieros
Master we delight in their "moral force"
"The youthful energy creates the moral greatness of the people"
"The vested interests obstructing justice"
"The ideals inspire confidence in their own strength"
The Bolivarian government and will succeed because it is based on these principles, and exceeds the unconditional support.
American brothers, we are aware of our condition, if not defend our soil, he did not defend himself.
imperial claws and scratch their faces hit innocent and defenseless of our brothers.
Furthermore, we scratch ourselves, beyond that we perceive.
The Cuban Revolution showed us that with bravery, courage and manliness is possible to break chains, will force it.
No need high technology, advanced technical equipment, or weapons with telescopic sights, with the will of men, and we are ready to fight. Remember
the Rebel Army militia Batista crushed ten thousand men, with only eighty-two guerrillas.
And above all things, not wait-conditions as Che said in his own words, "not always have to wait for all conditions for revolution, the insurrection can create them focus"
Brothers and Comrades, the revolution is in our hands.
Fatherland, Socialism or Death!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Pokemon Checklist 150
*% $ # CRISIS! # @ # &
Best saquemosle
Right now, this year it still smells new, and has bubble wrap around it, we declared in CRISIS! !
Everybody talks about the market crash .. Q U.S. is J. .. That the European Union is more crawling than running .. that RD is submerged in the pond .. Closing FTZs.
Praying for Government new businesses, employees leaving the mining ufff ... So wherever you see is CRISIS!!
mmmmm What a mess!
But I think the crisis, are the best ideas! . From time immemorial it has happened so!
Humans learned to fish through a crisis .. I had no food. Bridges were built by another crisis, cross the other side!
What is a vaccine? is the injection of a live virus in small quantities that trigger these failures that YOUR body into crisis and generate antibodies to that disease! or saved lives travez CRISIS .. Unions are business, strategic, earn wars, we discover lives, from CRISIS ..
After all, a crisis compels us to do more with less, to engineer it as we can, to maximize resources
Best saquemosle
I think out of this crisis and be alert for the next discovery:)
Happy New Year
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
How Does Omeprozole Work

News arriving in large numbers of Israeli oppression of the Palestinian people are a current and a constant jolt of photos, videos and images that horrified the world, in greater proportion than the powerful.
deadly balance and wedging victims systematically sum is not yet shamefully enough to startle the world's powerful, which continue to enjoy the scenery bloody morning, lying on his couch of gold and dollars.
Israel, terrorist state in the correct and unambiguous meaning of the term, continues unscrupulously becoming ruined hospitals, schools, community centers with meeting immodesty convincingly destroying terrorist centers.
Lacayo, son and prophet of the American empire, lost and sailing by seas of imperial views, Israel, with the aim of human settlement and racially the Palestinian people (as before Hitler's forces will power on Jewish settlements in Nazi Germany) proposes to enter the air first and then by land, with its army weapons formal and darken the picture even more nightmarish.
What solution is proposed from the oppressive stance? End
any conception physically linked to the term "Palestine", that's no more pitfalls that symbolizes the power of this speech.
What solution is proposed from the position pressed?
still largely squeezed to press, considering that Israel says use of land that belonged before the 1948 looting of the Palestinian people (co-producing States, the International Zionism, Britain and the UN) can pronounce nothing, or worse nothing can be done, nothing can voluntarily deploy a village that is being relentlessly mocked by Imperial forces. Forces, equipped with the latest technology, seek to use its full load for his conquests and massacres.
What could be a possible solution?
A potential solution to this problem is the cause of the germination.
As we all appreciate, from a cognitive point of view, Israel was established and painstakingly hand built with Zionists, as part of a favored financial aid from the U.S., the UN and Britain.
Palestine and its people, since ancient empire subjugated the English, were transferred to the new town outsider who quietly began to settle on their land.
But this is where, in a hierarchy of events we will stop.
No trip to the irresistible anachronism, we could draw a parallel between "The Six Day War between Israel and Palestine with the" May Revolution "in 1810, on Argentine soil.
From here, considering the normal stream of events, two questions arise: Are the war conditions they faced with? Who are independent of whom?
Well, so far everything has been fairly normal, but have even asked what if these two wars are alike? Absolutely not. Clearly
proclaimed "War of the Six Day war of independence or Israeli, is radically opposed to the" May Revolution " or would like an event near you, "The Cuban Revolution," both two insurgent and anarchist character.
The Six Day War is a clear example and a magnificent example of the root of the problem, suffering today its disastrous consequences.
This self-proclaimed independence war, was not the result of an overwhelming and sustained exhaustion of an enslaved people under an oppressive power, but the clear imperialist violence for the eradication of a people who had little to do with the Jewish settlement in land or the Holocaust.
Here we see a strong case for substantial and profound difference between a war of independence in a war imperialist and genocidal.
The May Revolution was caused by the actions of the insurgent army and the English imperial yoke, two fundamental reasons for the Argentine people break strings with the European Empire, at least politically. I hope
far been clarified things somewhat.
quality is in this differential, express the French poet Francis Ponge, where an object is not equal to another. This is where it solidifies the idea of \u200b\u200binjustice in the Palestinian land.
Does this seem fair? Well my no. And I affirm my position because I believe fundamentally different, an imperialist occupation in an area already populated, a revolution led by the people themselves against an enslaving power.
The solution of the problem, in my humble opinion, is simply to depopulate all land occupied by Israel since 1948 until today, and granted without restriction or qualification to people who owned inseparable: the Palestinian people.
What we do with the people of Zion?
Well, first they could adjust to the new geopolitical situation, which in no way endanger their lives, and if this is not possible, and may migrate willingly.
I hope the brand new American Zionists, have a corner in their gated mansions to house the consequences of their actions.
The Palestinian people must not allow the slaughter crush what little remains. You must not allow bombs flying over their imperial settlements, massacring children, patients, workers and innocent women.
Once again the Empire strikes our people, avert our eyes with Iraq, do shut up again?
deadly balance and wedging victims systematically sum is not yet shamefully enough to startle the world's powerful, which continue to enjoy the scenery bloody morning, lying on his couch of gold and dollars.
Israel, terrorist state in the correct and unambiguous meaning of the term, continues unscrupulously becoming ruined hospitals, schools, community centers with meeting immodesty convincingly destroying terrorist centers.
Lacayo, son and prophet of the American empire, lost and sailing by seas of imperial views, Israel, with the aim of human settlement and racially the Palestinian people (as before Hitler's forces will power on Jewish settlements in Nazi Germany) proposes to enter the air first and then by land, with its army weapons formal and darken the picture even more nightmarish.
What solution is proposed from the oppressive stance? End
any conception physically linked to the term "Palestine", that's no more pitfalls that symbolizes the power of this speech.
World renowned and acclaimed Israeli-Palestinian truce, is none other than the even more famous oppressive capitalist peace, which reigned from the foundations of this economic system to this day.
What solution is proposed from the position pressed?
still largely squeezed to press, considering that Israel says use of land that belonged before the 1948 looting of the Palestinian people (co-producing States, the International Zionism, Britain and the UN) can pronounce nothing, or worse nothing can be done, nothing can voluntarily deploy a village that is being relentlessly mocked by Imperial forces. Forces, equipped with the latest technology, seek to use its full load for his conquests and massacres.
What could be a possible solution?
A potential solution to this problem is the cause of the germination.
As we all appreciate, from a cognitive point of view, Israel was established and painstakingly hand built with Zionists, as part of a favored financial aid from the U.S., the UN and Britain.
Palestine and its people, since ancient empire subjugated the English, were transferred to the new town outsider who quietly began to settle on their land.
But this is where, in a hierarchy of events we will stop.
No trip to the irresistible anachronism, we could draw a parallel between "The Six Day War between Israel and Palestine with the" May Revolution "in 1810, on Argentine soil.
From here, considering the normal stream of events, two questions arise: Are the war conditions they faced with? Who are independent of whom?
Well, so far everything has been fairly normal, but have even asked what if these two wars are alike? Absolutely not. Clearly
proclaimed "War of the Six Day war of independence or Israeli, is radically opposed to the" May Revolution " or would like an event near you, "The Cuban Revolution," both two insurgent and anarchist character.
The Six Day War is a clear example and a magnificent example of the root of the problem, suffering today its disastrous consequences.
This self-proclaimed independence war, was not the result of an overwhelming and sustained exhaustion of an enslaved people under an oppressive power, but the clear imperialist violence for the eradication of a people who had little to do with the Jewish settlement in land or the Holocaust.
Here we see a strong case for substantial and profound difference between a war of independence in a war imperialist and genocidal.
The May Revolution was caused by the actions of the insurgent army and the English imperial yoke, two fundamental reasons for the Argentine people break strings with the European Empire, at least politically. I hope
far been clarified things somewhat.
quality is in this differential, express the French poet Francis Ponge, where an object is not equal to another. This is where it solidifies the idea of \u200b\u200binjustice in the Palestinian land.
Imagine, suddenly, that daily work, home and building our community, arriving infinitely more powerful economic forces and physically than us, and begin to attack with the help of other forces fortified even more powerful, and leave us to the closure of the road occupying our lands as if they owned.
Does this seem fair? Well my no. And I affirm my position because I believe fundamentally different, an imperialist occupation in an area already populated, a revolution led by the people themselves against an enslaving power.
The solution of the problem, in my humble opinion, is simply to depopulate all land occupied by Israel since 1948 until today, and granted without restriction or qualification to people who owned inseparable: the Palestinian people.
What we do with the people of Zion?
Well, first they could adjust to the new geopolitical situation, which in no way endanger their lives, and if this is not possible, and may migrate willingly.
I hope the brand new American Zionists, have a corner in their gated mansions to house the consequences of their actions.
The Palestinian people must not allow the slaughter crush what little remains. You must not allow bombs flying over their imperial settlements, massacring children, patients, workers and innocent women.
Once again the Empire strikes our people, avert our eyes with Iraq, do shut up again?
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Papapapapa Techno Rock

This anio beginning, is full of the best surprises in the hearts
remain Jesus,
we chart the paths that are appropriate to follow the plan God has for us on earth.
That love will never fail us, health is always present,
goodness is the first thing you should mind,
charity, is the motto of the anions.
The family is always together, which ccomenzamos own family, we
illuminated under the light of God and He is our guide.
can have insight, always seeking the truth, keeping
will also moral values, courage, courage.
May we always thank the wonderful blessings that God gives us each day,
blessings as the couple (for you my amorsote beautiful), the family, friends, food, clothing, work, etc.
exciting ... and the Family, Love of family, brotherly love, just love
is always at our side.
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