Hello comrades!
here and are now offering a new hit's that distort conventional rock scene, illuminating the other side of the coin in this genre: "the rock of solidarity."
past, far removed from our daily reality, John Lennon let his rebellion and his abundant beard, draw new hope brotherly peace and music. Today the band of the late Freddie Mercury, look down from the stage with a song that does not differ much, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe legendary Beatle.
Octopus Yesterday U.S. victims in Vietnam. Today the victims of unbridled capitalism, and chemical companies with their guinea pigs in Africa. U2
prays for the extinction of religions, Soda Stereo mounted a common project in his native country, and Queen calls for the defense of children who suffer from AIDS today in Africa.
This is the video, I ask that you enjoy, if you think:
Until next time!
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