The Plaza of love and dreams
I'm not a journalist, at least not professionally. However, no attempt in vain to be a good writer. As every writer
divulge my ideas are literary, artistic, scientific or purely political. I try above all to defend those causes, which I think fair and above reproach. Today my country, that I was born, I grew up and see me die, this sector plunged into chaos. Gold Pans
synchronized by new technology, pilgrims in search of a "democratic solution." Of course, trying to blind people, four men disguised as "good friends", acclaimed by the "multitude", clinging to the economic and social blow.
Today, 18 June 2008, the people, the true people, confirm your stay at the Plaza.
Today the people who used to buttoning his shirts day after day, one that turns the foot into the shoes to work, smiled towards a model country. A model solved by transparent policies, and consistent with the worker, family, together with the one who opens his eyes every day, to build a new country. A country where institutions, hospitals, schools and public spaces represent and reward the people for their attitudes and commitments.
Today the people through peaceful banners and horns in triumph, just with the mystique and destabilizing coup. A bunch of four irresponsible, borne by a sudden fondness and selfish, not to silence him.
A young democracy is defended with democratic attitudes.
The Plaza is the PEOPLE!