1) "Our youth love luxury and is poorly educated, not If the authorities do not have any respect for the elderly. Our children today are real tyrants. They do not stand up when an elderly person enters. Respond to their parents and are just bad. "
2)" Since I have no hope for the future of our country, if the youth of tomorrow today takes power, because the youth is unbearable, unbridled, just horrible. "
3) "Our world came to a head. The kids do not listen to their parents. The end of the world can not be far behind. "

The first sentence is Socrates (470 - 399 to. C.). The second is Hesiod (720 A. C.). The third is a priest (2,000 A. C.). The fourth was written in a clay pot discovered in the ruins of Babylon (modern Baghdad) and more than 4,000 years old.
And to the puzzlement of the audience, concluded saying, Ladies and Gentlemen Mothers Parents: Relax, THE THING THAT HAS ALWAYS BEEN SO ...