If you would like dramas .. back with my ex .. seiously dont do it ...
just want to tell the world that do not. because I have not come out with everyone. yes. I have many friends as I am well cool everyone wants to leave with them the same day. nel but you can not. I will not let you leave, but if I complain, I'll break your face. Well
was all he had to say. Susy
Friday, March 18, 2011
Is He Detergent Really Necessary
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Pediatrician Accepting New Patients In Toronto

Today is a day of my Holy .. Today is St. Patrick's Day. San Patricio
to me is family, it's tradition .. My grandmother was very Debot of the saint and my aunt gave me the name of Patricia, a name that represents nobility, Struggle, Perseverance, Stubbornness, Faith, Love, Equality ...
a tradition that evokes memories of my childhood and Mamayilla.
A Tradition of something more than wearing green, be merry, remember and pass on family.
tradition is a legacy, a legacy of faith in God, anything is possible with God as our guide, boatswain, rudder and / or guide. Maybe that's why
from small always Irlandeza told me I look like, is more than feeling super attracted to things Celtic and believe that God is in everything from nature, of life itself, that God IS life.
The St. Patrick's Day, I joined my two cousins \u200b\u200bmore .. My aunt, my Granny Dynamite! This day for me, is a family legacy .... Is to remember and be happy.
Happy St. Patrick's Day to all! Mamayilla Congratulations! Congratulations to Me:)
Sunday, March 13, 2011
High Gloss Table Repair
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Does A Gurddle Make U Skinnier
Today we will talk about psychopaths brides because reason explain to me, because why couples are given the password for the fucking tooodas accounts?! WHY? .. to be in and checking all the fucking time if a morra send him some mail unseemly? .. Q uemamada ..
I say, no, I never put the horn, but I think that if I wanted to put the horn to someone obviously would super smart to do some external account or ask the dude who did not send me emails or that I not .. the cure is when you meet or baths morras who believe that their partners would be unable to deceive .. Pfff morras know many who think they are unique and are more goats than a dude who believes that his wife wears cleavage and going to the corner to talk.
and then they fart in the nose that piss when the bath out with friends, or when not reported, begin to make a good story bitch in mind here saying crazy things that deseeeguro Beat this with a morra and throws a tantrum and tells everyone and the poor dude walks into a bar with friends here or more loser even in her room, but ran out of battery in cel and did not notice .. Leave what could be doing .. the broncon to be put to appease the morra, because the net net, if we are well bitches to the guys feel bad, and I say, from time to time okay, but do not erg passes either.
morra Then there every paranoid who not only just read your mail , put a fucking nick very long with things that nobody understands, likes put all coments and photos of your facebook , follow in tweeter, no no this is not enough, you must also check his cell phone and your message and ask what does each of them.
morras! .. not fuck the net! .. Susy
well. the next post will be for the guys
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I like knowing that they want to be part of someone's life
hate knowing that I am unable.
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says Gabriel Garcia Marquez ..... Perfect
If you have not passed the scalpel to your skin, If you have silicone implants in some part of your body,
If the rolls do not produce trauma, if you've never suffered from anorexia or bulimia, if your height does not affect your personal, if when you go to the beach prefer deivertirte at sea and not on a towel for hours or hiding your body covered, if you believe that fidelity if possible if you practice, if you know how rice is prepared, if you can prepare a full meal with dessert, if your priority is not is to be blonde as, if not you get up at 4:00 am to get to the gym first, if you go to gym clothes quiet street on a Sunday, without a drop of makeup on her face ...
of extinction THESE ROAD ..... You're a Woman Exquisite!!
exquisite Woman is not one that most men have their feet, but one that has only one that really makes you happy.
A beautiful woman is not the youngest, but not skinny, nor the has smooth skin and hair more most striking, is one that with just a frank and open smile, with a light touch and good advice can be happy life.
valuable Woman is not one that has more titles, no more load; An exquisite woman is not the most ardent (though if you ask me, all women are hot ... and we're out of focus are the men), but it vibrates to make love only with the man she loves.
Woman noe s interesting that you feel flattered to be admired for its beauty and elegance, is one strong woman character who can say NO.
And Man ... A MAN EXQUISITE, is one that values \u200b\u200ba woman.
That is proud to have her as a partner .... Who knows virtuous touch as a musician playing his beloved instrument ...
Struggling to his side sharing all his roles, from washing dishes and hanging clothes, to restore the masaes and care she lavished upon him before ...
The truth, fellow men, is that women in that of being "macho" bring us a great ride ...
What fools we were, and are, when we appreciate the "gift" only by the sight of her ..!!! packaging Fool
thousand times foolish man who eats bagasse in the street, taking a delicacy at home ...
PS I loved the words of Garcia Marquez and what better way to say .. Happy Women's Day, even though it was yesterday! every day is ours and they are of love and nonviolence, are of the valuation, appreciation, delivery, God ...