Monday, January 31, 2011

I Took Senna Every Night

Sunday casual bullshit in college

bastard It feels good to be asleep on a Sunday morning and wake you up a call saying I need you to take photos at a convention, are you going? charge whatever they want. I go you already. What do you want breakfast?

yes. bastard feels.


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Should I Use Old Spice

Re Stages invention? Free

be a matter of re inventing or just keep cleaning those corners of our being that I never remember that there is or pretend not to remember not to face fabrics spider and others that can bring with tears in heart and soul?

The reinvention is more than a "makeover" a physical or a change in clothing style.

Cleaning the house is within us, to take those negative things in our past that keep us moving forward.

Ventilate afraid to push to make them new hope. Reinvent is to see where we are, where we come from, what is our room, where we are going and whether the baggage we bring is correct.

Re invent is giving us the opportunity to experience love again and we know that we have the capacity to love, hoping that love us anyway. You throw in adventures of joy that bring us closer to God. Is to serve unconditionally, listen, enjoy the scenery while maintaining our spoonful of oil.

A cleaning has been said .. As you re invent? Are you ready?

Monday, January 10, 2011

Red Bridge Rb 539 Softerware

The last first day of college is shit, is that there is no teacher hired so we're all here being worth living inside the mother very hard, BECAUSE THERE IS NO TEACHER! GOD! had a month to hire people, so what the fuck make you pay a good one week before school if they can not hire teachers, not Mam deseguro as we have no one going to wait any asshole who comes and stand in front saying it is a teacher and chingon at what he does, if insurance that person will give us

classes or had come to school then! Susy

good that I'll finish in May:)

Friday, January 7, 2011

Average Weight Of Wisconsin Whitetail Deer

Sise, Cise, Design (The), dises (Los)

Quote: Sise-TF From semicorral, hoya or pediment, two long walls torn open by way of an angle to where the wild cattle flicking to catch [...] Among Sises of the island we remember at the moment, include the "hiss of the Degollada the Guanche" and "La Vera of Sise" in Uncle Risco Martial both in Guimaras. [...] Sisco, "have a sise" - F. Running is the leaf through guanyl or wild cattle to the sise, bound for the matazón or to mark it. [...] Sise is a pen in a special way to what is used a hollow, ravine or fronton, where they dig up two walls to open way to the sides of an angle, towards where the wild cattle flicking to lock him up. Among others still retain the "hiss guanche cutthroat" and "that of the Vera of Sise" in the Martial tió cliff, on the summits of Guimaras.

Author: Juan de Bethencourt Alfonso, 1886.

Quote: DISE "It's one of the most intriguing names of those entering the place-name nomenclature of Lanzarote for the wide diffusion reaches its geography, because many place names in which he joined as component. [...] What could have meant at the time this enigmatic word, I could not find despite efforts that I have time and again wondering how many people lived in the vicinity of the respective places with her nominees. Its use as a designation of something concrete that once had to be widespread, judging by the number of sites that still retain their name, has apparently lost from long ago. ;

Author: Agustín Pallarés Padilla, 1990.

Quote: Sises in Fuerteventura and Lanzarote and dises La Graciosa, with a total of 14 samples, 6 majoreros, 6 and 2 Gracioseros Warren, whose meaning we could not figure out [...] from the Old French assise found: "'tax which is imposed upon the people", deriv. asse of 'put', propter. 'Seat, place'. In Castilian specialized in the meaning 'tax which was collected on gender food, cutting measures', 1331. " So says J. Corominas the etymon English voice armhole, very close in spelling to sise and its variants. Knowing the time in the eastern islands of Norman, this hypothesis does not seem so unreal, place names may subsist in the oldest sense of 'seat', although this remains a conjecture that future research should fill.

Authors: María Teresa Cáceres Lorenzo and Marcos Salas Pascual 1993.

[...] that Aguahudese specifically refers to the puddles that occur there, in which case we must consider that Lomada the Seima of a source-poor region, which determines Aguahudese puddles are the dominant geographical feature of the area. If the name refers to the presence of some pools associated with a source in this case suggest that compared to a common word in English of La Graciosa, Lanzarote and Fuerteventura, apparently already disappeared from common speech, but which survives in the names generically to these three islands, with shapes such as The Design, Los dises or ; The Disadero , some place names, according to Padilla Pallares, are always associated with the presence of some "poceta, pool or small container to collect rain water [...]. To collect data on these islands at least 17 places with names like The Design and its variants, distributed as follows: Lanzarote (15), La Graciosa (1) and Fuerteventura (1) [...].

José Perera López, 2005.

The most important activity in the zone of the islets has been grazing, the remaining large amount of knowledge about the territory and practices related to it (place names, buildings , pens, bull pens, etc.).. Within this type of construction associated with cattle, frequently quoted, the Sises, the name given to walls designed to shut off the flow of cattle in certain areas, which still stands as a toponym in parts of Fuerteventura. Also as a place name still remains in our study area, referred to the Design form, and oral information he gave us pastors Tinajo, Jose Guillen and Antonio Perdomo (cited we also linguistic forms and Up Dis Dis de Abajo).

José de León Hernández, 2008.


tax law in medieval Castilian and Portuguese are the expressions take [a sum of money] in armhole, armhole take [a sum of money] , cast by sisa, sisa take or distribution, which means putting the collection of excise permit or license with real, that is, collect the tax or duty which is to undermine a proportionate amount of a commodity for delivering value to the Treasury real. Similarly, Breast sisa sisa breasts in meat, flour, oil, fish, wine, slaves, etc.. sold locally. Alf
onso quoted sise voice to Tenerife, showing that it is unique to Lanzarote and Fuerteventura. At the same time, he collects from Ramón Fernández Castañeyra for the latter island. The Sises Güímar mentioned are specific livestock buildings are named.

The voice comes from under armhole Latin Assisa (Figueiredo) or assisi, cise contraction (Du Cange), with English-Aragonese dump by Sissa , some authors reside in incissio (cut, cut) or accissa ( ad census). Pilfer is steal, steal furtively, lower, tithing ( tithe and armhole are synonymous), cut a small part of something. The hiss that Bethencourt Alfonso assimilated to have a sise is the meeting of stray cattle to perform certain tasks selective, choosing some heads for matazón, branding, castration of males, the distribution of herds, separate or godson of BAIF, etc.

Importantly Bethencourt Alfonso scored twice in his manuscript defining sise. The more detailed note (Book 4, p. 557) specifies that this is a pen "special", a semicorral (Book I, p. 360), which differs from the gambuesa because the interior space fits or fits into the hollow of a valley, ravine, or pediment, natural cavity which is added a mouth with two open walls at an angle, one on each side, forming a kind of dead or channel triangular toward which leads to enclose livestock.

Aerial photograph of the mountainous area of \u200b\u200bCofete, Fuerteventura (1963), showing a sise (center right). With its triangular shape of mouth. On the left are seen several gambuesas circular.
Bethencourt Alfonso The memo suggests that the shepherds saw the sise a special type of poultry, to which threw the sise by the leaf through between the coast and the mountains, bringing with breaded loose livestock. We consider three possible origins for sise semantic :

1) The angular shape of the walls to the wall or bottom drawer of the relief, would remind the armhole or cutting tissue on the sleeve to the armpit, or simply a cut on the ground raised by exploiting a natural hollow, taking root here.
Sisa or hollow cut to join the manga, with its characteristic shape open at an angle.
2) The excise activity can also be executed within the compound, selecting, dividing, godson, marking or dropping the cattle once made the count, perhaps related action sharecropping , or simply aimed at the removal of some heads for the matazón, meat (especially males), for sale, etc.

3) Or the coming weeks through hiss, that is, the earlier work of collecting and directing go to the sise won , ie the activity that takes place outside of their own depression or instead accommodated by dry stone courses were the characteristic semicorral. make do and take a sise may be looking to steal, take, capture cattle that he is free in the pastures, gathering in gambuesa or sise. The overall activity would be rigged or hiss livestock.

Antonia Perera, in the archaeological study on the peninsula of Jandia in Fuerteventura, citing the Sise Gambuesa in the scrub, and Gambuesa Sisetoto of ( Toto hiss ) in Cofete, among others. These names clearly denote the distinction between sise gambuesa and, although they share the same semantic field. Gambuesa , sise , bailadero (popular etymology Baladero of bleating ) Are dry stone bulwarks structures that often take place appropriate relief to corral the cattle, although the hiss be used specifically to walls, forming two vertices of a triangle, leaving open the third, close to donated to the junction of the two courses that start opening at an angle.

Gambuesa with in Cofete sise. Note how the sise takes the relief in the lower corner, the top wall runs parallel to the shoreline Cofete and is cut by a ravine. Sise This is already well in the first photographic record fifty years ago. Structure is probably a hundred years.

With any of the three intended meanings, we believe that sise is a shortened form of hissing via participle: take a sisa à take a pilfered à take a hiss à have a sise , which constructs a male to and armhole you drag it there until the place name, differing with the nuance of the original voice that is feminine. The morphology of the expression sise / hiss / pilfer is similar to eye / leaf through / browse , or at ring / rodeo / roll. All lend themselves to vocal abnormalities of dissimilation or division between syllables.

the noun is feminine also assise French, the verb asse (sit), which is used to describe the seat ridges, or row of stones placed one upon another in a masonry work (Barthelemy Cormon), meaning that appeals to the etymological study of sise , but for which no known parallels in the islands, contrary to what happens to sisa , Pilfer and its derivatives, which are present in speech Canaries.

The elusive voice design

In the Advancement of Archaeological Charter of Lanzarote, published in 1993, José de León and Antonia Perera describes well the place called The dises :

The DlSES: VE. VI. (B). Tanks, enclosures and grazing coats.
Highlights a construction made of a very primitive technique. J. Guillen (Tinajo), cites the discovery of pottery in this area called the Dis Dis Up and Down. A. Pallares relates these place names with batteries, pocetas, etc.

Another archaeological description José de León published in 1994 on one of the locations of the name indicates:

We refer to the Islet dises , where we find a dry stone enclosures of circular trend, with associated reservoirs of great antiquity and popular type ceramic surface.

However, at the conclusion of their work (2008), archaeologist is not convinced of the solution proposed by Pallares, but neither has a clear relationship between sise and design:

often are mentioned in the Sises, a term still alive, also present in Fuerteventura (Sise cutthroat among Tuineje and Pájara, the Sisita, for the shooting range, etc) , and has lost in the current talks Lanzarote, although exists in the names, possibly with extended variant design, which we have some doubts about their morphology, possibly a section of wall, and use, in some cases to prevent the passage of cattle through a specific point territory.

believe that the semantic link established Augustine Pallares (followed by Hans-Joachim Ulbrich, 1995) and José Perera between the place name sise / design and water pocetas ; is a product of the Sises which collects the cattle are raised mainly where you can have water nearby to drink. That is, the place name is not due to the presence of troughs, but when these buildings raise livestock was preferred place to provide livestock access to water, a condition not always fulfilled.

Our explanation for design is that this word has been caused by a phenomenon known as linguistic phonics induction elongation, by adding a d- initial prosthetic plural of sise, as explained below.

A little look, we realize that there is no place name The Sises , plural. Sise only appears in the singular. We believe that the - dises is irregular plural sise due to syntactic phonetic interaction between the two elements of the statement. This incident, known as prostheses, is to add at the beginning of the word a consonant that is alien to him.

Delivering Sises the merger occurs -s the end of the article implosive and s-initial noun. The announcer island faces the difficult articulation and aspiration of both wheezing and aims of the plural first article, producing an effect of impropriety, as if to say what he hissed s omitting the plural of the item. The fall [or] the - s end of the article that provokes a ultracorrección restored by replacing the s- initial S-ise by a consonant dental prosthetics, separating the substantive and facilitating their diction, as similarly in the prosthesis ir / dir , producing from the "Sises the phrase quasi-dises epenthetic the .

the sise à the Sises loh-Sises à loo-Sises à- d the -ISES

sibilants diction aims implosive so characteristic of English Atlantic, reaching the final pronunciation Canary own speech: loh-designoraccessorles .

the- d -ISES à-loh-Iseh d

interesting to note that the singular noun design originates post, returning from irregular plural sise and acquiring an evolved form itself with the dis voice.

the sise à the dises à the design à the device

The name The Design grew out of the solution gave The dises to facilitate the articulation of plural sise, becoming independent after a noun which apparently different origin, etymology and meaning has been impossible to find because they are looking outside their primary root sise unique, like different words.

Amongst its variants and Sisita disadero , The latter being a peculiar ultracorrección -ero suffix typical of livestock-pastoral island world, suggests that beyond doubt the original root sisa (should be sisadero ). This special construction has the same meaning to sise, site adapted for the armhole or hiss livestock, such as place name, in a ravine. Consider, for example, in the place name Boca de Abajo-Los dises , where we see a topographical relationship between the mouth or narrowing and location of stone walls or enclosures.

In short, semantically sise / design voice comes from the Latin origin meaning sisa removal or cutting something and designating specialized etymon to semicorral dry stone walls reinforced or concavity at an angle to collect the cattle.

discard the pre-Hispanic assimilation with the word aguahudese gum, which we consider false friend of designed by homophony and whose etymology has nothing to do with the voice sise of Romanesque origin clear.

Sources and Bibliography:

Bethencourt Alfonso, Juan (de) (1866): ; Manuscript : ms_171_1, 360, ms_171_1, 397 and ms_171_4, 557.

Cáceres Lorenzo, Maria Teresa
/ Salas Pascual, Marcos (1993): Some peculiar features in the names of Lanzarote and Fuerteventura, in Tebet (Yearbook Fuerteventura Island Historical Archive), VI. p. 265-266.

Castañeyra, Ramón Fernández (1991): Report on the habits of Fuerteventura. Written for the Lord D. Juan Bethencourt Alfonso, Transcript, foreword, notes and index Francisco Navarro Artiles Publishing Service the Cabildo Insular de Fuerteventura.

Hernández León, José (de) and Perera Betancourt, Maria Antonia (1993): Progress of the Charter Archaeological island Lanzarote, V Studies Conference on Fuerteventura and Lanzarote, Cabildo Insular de Lanzarote and Fuerteventura, Volume I. p. 458.

Hernández León, José (de) and Perera Betancourt, Maria Antonia (1994): The villages and areas covered by volcanic eruptions in 1730-36 on the island of Lanzarote - "The story beneath the volcano", Seventh Conference on Studies Fuerteventura and Lanzarote, Cabildo Insular de Lanzarote and Fuerteventura, Volume I. p. 546.

Hernández León, José (of) (2008): Lanzarote beneath the volcano. The people and the built heritage buried by the eruption of S. XVIII. Publishing Service Cabildo de Lanzarote, Casa de Los Volcanes. P. 71 (v. tb. P. 263-265)

Pallarés Padilla, Agustín
(1990): Place names Lanzarote Guanches of unpublished research, Second Conference on the History of Lanzarote and Fuerteventura, Cabildo Insular de Lanzarote and Fuerteventura, Volume II. P. 396

Betancort Perera, María Antonia (1993): Jandia: elements of analysis to archaeological interpretation of the culture of the nice, V Studies Conference on Fuerteventura and Lanzarote. Cabildo Insular de Lanzarote and Fuerteventura, Volume V. p. 483-484.

Perera López, José (2005): The toponymy of La Gomera . A study of place names, indigenous voices and names of plants, animals and fungi from La Gomera Volume II CD-ROM , Vol 18. p. 123.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Instructions Princess Go Glow Clock

cold chingo no mames!

Well, enough of dramas, and get over it. talk about nice things like that this year will be well past Verg. net! this year has everything to be chingon , I have a viajesini scheduled later this month for a festival, I want to go to df , graduated in May me no no no bastard are you doing, this year for the first time in six years I'll have long holidays !!!!! I think I'll run bichi of emotion.

For if, through what will be well chingon also going to be okay because I have 2 jobs mortal, but the school and the party, but good. I was reporting only my short term plans because I know they were worried if super.


and if everything goes wrong, always help the phrase "fucking all"