I get a surprise on the Internet, one of the rules to feel good about being single is .... according to MSN "Always leads to an appointment a toothpaste, a toothbrush and some condoms (condoms), do not know where the night might take you .." Then
relationships have fallen into the "Romantic" encounters "sexual"?
This leaves me thinking that the target date a person would not know, think of it as a partner in life, to feel empathy or if they have common goals or values, if you believe in God or are religious .... Rather, the objective
to go is to have a "sexual desestres" a release of energy accumulated trigger these failures a tremor that makes the plates can rearrange your body and relax? Mmmmmmmm
be the single do not think this time ... Nor would we become that kind of singles which overlook the values \u200b\u200band knowledge, where the end of the day what matters is how good or good you are in bed (and not serious intimacy that is a big word for this exchange of fluids)
It makes me wonder who really did not want to be the kind of single that after having a "relationship" with someone loving, living together for a while, when I say I LOVE YOU make the bag and go?
we should not become the single type of feel that is the guide of our lives and not the heart .. Let's zoom
love in our lives and there will be put on. The only way to avoid suffering for love is not love ever, love really worth it.
my night I want to take me to Love (any kind of love that arises from there) If you do not love ... Do not you know that your soul can do, also would leave the greatest commandment was, the essence of life itself, that are on this earth .. For the love Pure
relationships have fallen into the "Romantic" encounters "sexual"?
This leaves me thinking that the target date a person would not know, think of it as a partner in life, to feel empathy or if they have common goals or values, if you believe in God or are religious .... Rather, the objective
to go is to have a "sexual desestres" a release of energy accumulated trigger these failures a tremor that makes the plates can rearrange your body and relax? Mmmmmmmm
be the single do not think this time ... Nor would we become that kind of singles which overlook the values \u200b\u200band knowledge, where the end of the day what matters is how good or good you are in bed (and not serious intimacy that is a big word for this exchange of fluids)
It makes me wonder who really did not want to be the kind of single that after having a "relationship" with someone loving, living together for a while, when I say I LOVE YOU make the bag and go?
we should not become the single type of feel that is the guide of our lives and not the heart .. Let's zoom
love in our lives and there will be put on. The only way to avoid suffering for love is not love ever, love really worth it.
my night I want to take me to Love (any kind of love that arises from there) If you do not love ... Do not you know that your soul can do, also would leave the greatest commandment was, the essence of life itself, that are on this earth .. For the love Pure