Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Mexico Wrestling Singllet

Anio New Internet stumped! National Heritage

The English Family Doctor, Ronald Gibson, began a lecture on generational conflict, citing four phrases:

1) "Our youth love luxury and is poorly educated, not If the authorities do not have any respect for the elderly. Our children today are real tyrants. They do not stand up when an elderly person enters. Respond to their parents and are just bad. "

2)" Since I have no hope for the future of our country, if the youth of tomorrow today takes power, because the youth is unbearable, unbridled, just horrible. "

3) "Our world came to a head. The kids do not listen to their parents. The end of the world can not be far behind. "
4)" This youth is spoiled to the bottom of the heart. Young people are criminals and idlers. They will never be as young as before. The youth of today will not be able to maintain our culture. "
After spelling out the four appointments, Dr. Gibson, I watched as much of the audience approved of each of the sentences. waited a few moments to quiet the murmurs of the people commenting on the statement and then revealed the origin of the phrase, saying
The first sentence is Socrates (470 - 399 to. C.). The second is Hesiod (720 A. C.). The third is a priest (2,000 A. C.). The fourth was written in a clay pot discovered in the ruins of Babylon (modern Baghdad) and more than 4,000 years old.
And to the puzzlement of the audience, concluded saying, Ladies and Gentlemen Mothers Parents: Relax, THE THING THAT HAS ALWAYS BEEN SO ...
PD is not an excuse not to educate our current and future children, just that the Youth is to revolutionize the world .. We keep planting to harvest values \u200b\u200blater

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Walmart Ripper 3 Wheel Electric Scooter

Today is National Heritage Day ....
Today is the day that commemorates, architecture, monuments, ancient buildings of our colonizers ...
sun street in Santiago, the cathedral, El Conde in Santo Domingo, The Wall SD (now the La Sirena), escape tunnels, etc. .. We have imnumerables Heritage Enjoy emoslos, not waste
Our deredor can find thousands of signs of past generations living in the place we are now inhabiting us ... Traces of history, ancestry, taste for life.
We Preserve .. Our Origins, Bits of History ..

Friday, December 5, 2008

How Does Senna Work As A Laxative?


This year we will have handouts Fantabulous ...
moments to be charitable, love, helping one another, receive the birth of baby Jesus in our hearts

offer the helping hand extended, but we need it ... Re

evaluate our lives and fill us with batteries for the coming year

Although we see the tree upside down, if you behave well, the child Jesus leave their gifts (make your little letter), the Kings will go on the road, La Vieja Belen will make the rounds in his sleigh Santa Volara

If you see that everything is upside down, enjoy the new perspective and celebrate that God is among us and kick down .. That Christmas is here! Share it!