Saturday, January 23, 2010

Colyte For Colonoscopy

Of heroes and perpetrators

Contempt of Martin Redrado Executive Branch has become a product of political propaganda disguised by the media siege, and a massive support for destabilizing opposition. Further complicating the task of government as it is the redemption of debt, Redrado did not approve the decision of the national government to use funds from the Bicentennial, so the latter would inevitably turn to Treasury. The situation becomes more complex, because the government has not freely available to the 6.569 billion dollars it had collected in the Central Bank. In this way the government should use the Treasury funds which do not have the scale of the Central Bank. In summary, again the media and political power trying to destabilize the government.

Beyond the discussion of the legitimacy of the debt, which is totally flawless because it is private debt have been converted into public debts (ie debts would be paying Argentine businessmen who enriched themselves with impunity ), what we intend to analyze at least, is that the press so victimized shafts of the political opposition.

"Rebelde", "insurgents" are the terms that the media power concerns Redrado. Curious, it seems that everyone who is not officially a "rebel" defending national interests and ride in search of truth. Everything is a farce.
The power of the media once again trying to impose dictatorial society, its truth posthumously and his wicked intention to end the policies being carried out this government. Of course, policies which have benefited millions of people who are not just those that support the national government. See for example, the nationalization of the administrators, of which millions of pensioners doubled or tripled their monthly pension, and even those who did not contribute to the collection box, you are charging with equality if provided and without any restriction. Sure, but this government certainly is not popular and does not defend the "national interest." Let's not be hypocrites.

The mentality of society today Argentina is actually quite dull, lacking any kind of official spokesperson intelligentsia and media businesses.

media continue prescribing the social and political agenda without any kind of "censorship." May lie for a while, but the people you can not fool forever. Especially since this capitalist is soon to self-destruction. Express this for one simple reason, financial speculators highest flight, systematically damaged private investment in most regional banks (this particularly in the U.S.) because no dirty money speculating on the financial institution provide more capital, and therefore generates less domestic investment. This is a mistake that even the founder of modern capitalism, John Maynard Keynes, could not avoid. The greed of those who long have annihilated the foundational bases of capitalism, and with them the very same system.

Returning to Martin Redrado, I sincerely believe that this character become a hero by the media fascists (like Cobos tried to achieve, but the intrinsic intellectual limitations forbade Cleto) have no political sustainability class in the future. Without the support of this government, Redrado has no importance in the current political landscape. Perhaps ultraliberal profile should be aligned with De Narváez, but the latter continued in their search for characters with high level of popularity and intention to vote, for that reason his close relationship with Eduardo Duhalde. The opposition does not serve Redrado. The UCR and the Civic Coalition, well better than sinking them in simplistic rhetoric. On a possible alliance with Pino Solanas and Hermes Binner, Nigun probability.

A self that should make this government, I express this benign intent, is to correct its position when choosing their representatives. Quite a few pro-government leaders have betrayed the government. Judge Luis Alberto Fernandez, Martin Redrado (beyond the autonomy of the Central Bank) and the most emblematic case, Julio Cobos. The latter a hybrid radical Peronist benefited employers' interests and the media and political opposition.
If you want to deepen and carry out an economic model with a state heavily entrenched in state politics, and in turn nationalizing utilities, not to elect liberal fanatics characters as Amado Budou and Martin Redrado. Not generated a mismatch between what is to be developed and who should manage it.

The government is aiming at a great economic and political victory that is not in doubt, and is the only viable alternative to both gorilaje traitor. But honestly, there are certain ways elected government which I think should be polished. Both the official dissemination of ideas, as his way of dealing with the opposition. Two categories that should be deepened and more sophisticated. The government has lost popular support for two basic reasons, the poor dissemination of its ideas, which generates the second reason, which is the root of the fascist ideas of the press in society. Through dissemination of the empty space that the government gives, the press uses all technological channels to carry out his evil interests. Deluded society, the Cree as part of the truth and reality. Therein lies the crux of the matter.

Moreover, given the steep level of aggressiveness, both the political opposition and media, one must be cautious and predictable. Should be even more the more sophisticated tools by which faces opposition. Society must begin to understand that aggression is not from the ruling party, but is produced by the power of the media, anxious 24 hours a day to this with shocking news.

Finally, I express my Cristina solidarity against this attempt at destabilization, as I did during the state cuasigolpe agricultural-management-media. Someday, these imperialists Gorilón accountable for its antidemocratic and excessive violence.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

What Does A Religious Chalice Look Like

HAARP Project and Haiti

ancient Roman Empire was wasting peoples through different strategies. The "stick policy" U.S. and used by ancient emperors, was basically in the use of violence to plunder the resources of other peoples, and that everything is wrapped in a peaceful impunity. Essentially these techniques have become somewhat more sophisticated, and can be used today without leaving a trace of the invasive presence. Herein lies the unknown, and censored the press, "Project HAARP."

The delicate and fanciful tale of climate change seems to have been written for the benefit of hiding this serious problem. Under my optical less radical, I really believe that climate change exists. No doubt about it. But for many people, mainly renowned scientists, this could be a kind of cloak to hide what really takes place, the HAARP Project.

According to Michel Chossudovsky , Canadian economist and professor at the University of Ottawa in Canada " technology is being used under the 'High - frequency Active Auroral Research Program "(HAARP) as part of the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI, its acronym in English). The scientific evidence suggests that HAARP is fully operational and has the potential ability to trigger innundaciones, droughts, hurricanes and earthquakes. From military standpoint, HAARP is a weapon of mass destruction. Potentially is an instrument of conquest capable of selectively destabilizing agricultural and ecological systems of entire regions. "(Global Research, 17/06/2005)

I'm not surprised at all that the American Empire managed to implement their arduous exploits, under the full control of this evil system. What happened recently in Haiti, a country historically beaten by the North American empire, is a clear example of what could come to regard as one of the first victims.

is no coincidence that the U.S. " is fully committed. Our military is fully committed. We will do everything in our power to save the maximum number of lives and make an orderly environment in which aid and reconstruction can begin. "(According to statements by U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, in a press conference held on January 13, 2010, in U.S. State Department).

continues: " A U.S. military equipment in the field to take stock and try to install an air traffic control. This morning there an issue with journalists and other people trying to get to Haiti without air traffic control other than the visual . "

Clearly, the American empire want to build relationships "solidarity" with the sister Republic Haiti. Especially if the sister republic has been devastated by climate inflections and is a good opportunity to "achieve an orderly environment in which aid and reconstruction can begin."

The U.S. invasion of Haiti, will have broad and deep consequences. U.S. soldiers have now sent from the infantry than in previous years "getting an orderly" in the sister Republic of Iraq. Of course, in those days were not exactly tornadoes that struck the Asian Republic, but the bombs and explosives of the U.S. Navy.

But even the dialectical terror rule leaves some other tracks. It is clear that the U.S. wants to be "solidarity" with Haiti. But pay attention to what he later expressed U.S. Secretary of State. " probably know that we have 45,000 U.S. citizens in Haiti. They are our primary responsibility: to ensure that they are safe and evacuate those who need medical care. " (ibid.)

Anything more explicit than that? United States, apparently not everyone wants to show solidarity with Haitians, but who cares a little more for American citizens residing there. Sure, but the problem is magically hungry and malnourished Haitian children have disappeared with "45,000 U.S. citizens in Haiti." They may be enslaved in northern empire. Therein lies the heady rhetoric of empire. And of course, its pragmatic function.

look like the Empire was concealing his interest over the past few years, significant increasing rhetorical sophistication.

precisely the March 21, 2003, the English newspaper El Mundo reported that " the First U.S. Marine Expeditionary Force and British riflemen Royal Marines penetrated into Iraqi territory, supported by helicopter gunships. [According to the Kuwaiti news agency Kuna, these forces arrived the city of Um Qasr, Iraq's only outlet to the Persian Gulf]. "(El Mundo, 21/03/03). There began the U.S. invasion of Iraq.

This was truly an act of cannibalism American but certainly very explicit.

The implication begins imposed during the coup in Honduras under the leadership of Roberto Micheletti. Here were no longer needed to invade posthumously Republic of Honduras, but as they tried to do during the failed coup d'etat in 2002 in Venezuela, the national oligarchy and bourgeoisie, along with the mass media would take care of it. United States did not oppose the coup.

Now Obama will deliver a war in Afghanistan to "get an atmosphere of order" that "terrorism" Taliban does not grant citizenship. The support of the wealthiest classes of Afghanistan already has. Afghan Congress mijagas sold the American Empire, and accept their entry into the country. On December 2, 2009, fascist chain communication, CNN published an article where Obama expressed " ... And as commander in chief, I have determined that it is in our vital interest to send another 30,000 additional troops to Afghanistan U.S.. After 18 months, our troops began to return home. "(CNN, 02/12/2009). United States already has about 100,000 troops in the Middle East, specifically in Iraq, where Obama never returned to their country, in breach of its much-vaunted promise of presidential campaigns. Now about 130,000 U.S. troops devastate other country in the name of "fighting terrorism"

Clearly, the empire began to create chaos and horror again. Together with the use that can steal in Haiti, fight another war in Afghanistan even more fierce.

The most paradoxical and even if not confirmed, but hypothetically analyzed is Haiti, where they could have used the HAARP project is no coincidence that earthquakes which occurred both in Venezuela and Honduras and Haiti will have the same level of depth.

Venezuela on January 8, 2010. Depth of 10 kms.
Honduras on January 11, 2010. Depth of 10 kms.
Haiti on January 12, 2010. Depth of 10 kms.

(According to the article " Report states that 'Earthquake experimental' U.S. devastated Haiti Aporrea Agency).

I do not think there's much to add to this similarity, considering that Venezuela is on target to aim for the United States, Honduras was inconvenient to U.S. interests ( so they decided to overthrow Zelaya) and Haiti, which previously hit a republic and now wish to do so under the blanket that hides everything, climate change. And because of its proximity space substantially.

actions in Afghanistan, unlike previous and similar to Iraq, do not need to hide, the troops are ready to destroy another country and rebuild it with American business firms. (See the documentary Zeitgeist Addendum, which explains the mechanism capitalist).

The Empire is renewed, in various forms and updated as changes over time
what will be plotting for next year ?

Fuentes :

Friday, January 8, 2010

Dr. Loo And The Filthy Phaleks Watch

What we left the "Pizza and Champagne" Menem

Here is a mini-documentaries, but precise and powerful, which exposes a devastating case of the implementation of neoliberal policies. A stab in the heart center in Argentina.